Well, I am stunned...
... there I was, like any normal sane rational thinking person, thinking that it's all Canada's fault, when it turns out that it's Norway all along!
Get this, it's OBVIOUSLY part of a Judeao-Reptiloid-Norweigan conspiracy...
A group of Norwegians are demanding the return of The Orklands and the Shetlands.
Now, before the more confused amongst us get worried, this has nothing to do with Tolkein or children's ponies.
The Shetlands and the Orknies are two groups of islands to the north of Scotland in the North Sea.
They used to belong to the Norwegians, dating back to a time when, broadly speaking, whatever Norwegians wanted belonged to them (with a little help from a longship and a group of guys in pointy hats waving sharp objects).
This was never contested by England, or Scotland, or anyone who liked their head remaining on top of their shoulders, until the King of Norway couldn't pony up the loot for a dowery - he was marrying his daughter off to someone who knew what the word 'barber' meant, and didn't wear hats with screw-om horns all the time, and didn't have a surname like 'Bloodaxe', social climbing as Kings do.
Instead, he gave The Shetlands and The Orknies to the King of England, on the understanding that when he paid up, he'd get them back.
Well, this never happened. Quite how someone can forget (maybe it's something to do with the pointy hats) one has written an IOU in the form of two, quite large, GROUPS of islands (we're not just talking three acres of seagull shit here), I don't know. The IOU included the people on them... and to this day, asking an Ork (or whatever you call them) what Tartan they wear is likely to get them longing for the days when you could remove people's heads for asking damn fool questions, as they are NOT Scottish.
But now they want 'em back... just shows that them brokering the ceasefire in Sri Lanka was a ruse...
Blame Norway!