I hated that, no matter what restrictions, you still have to preach, the very thing witnesses hate.
Any restrictions, reproof, marking, etc means you can't do anything, except get more recruits
by MC RubberMallet 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
service = spirituality ...
Notably, field circus is the first "privilege" you get back along with fellowship. You get reproved or reinstated, you are not allowed to make comments at the boasting sessions (stupid, since if a person makes a mistake, are they really so corrupt that they would therefore go on to make a bad comment?). If they could make a "bad" comment because they screwed up, then why trust them at the door when it is just the "sinner", one other witless who may even be a pedophile, and the householder?
It's all just a control tactic to keep you humble humiliated so you don't step out of line again.
And of course going to meetings is a sign of true repentance. Yeah sure.
I always found it illogical that ANY person can walk into a meeting off the street, raise their hand and comment -- it doesn't matter if it's a woman in pants, a heavy smoker, etc....their lifestyle does not need to be in keeping with the rules, but in order to preach door-to-door you need to qualify by proving that you're living your life according to Bible standards.
Fast forward to after you're baptized....if you violate Bible standards, you're suddenly no longer "qualified" to share spiritual comments with others at the meetings, yet 20 minutes after the meeting ends you're suddenly qualified enough to go out and share spiritual comments with your neighbors....
Quite right R.O ..When I took the WT back a while, a man would bring his elderly wife. She believed, he didn't - just brought her because she needed transport. They usually sat through it but he started to comment. I took his hand , not knowing what to expect but it was ok, he added comments that respected the meeting .....But as you say, he was doing nothing, not even believing so why refuse a hard working bro. reaching out again?
A friend of mine grew his hair long in a pony tail. He was removed from the T Ministry School, never allowed to pass microphones or anything..but he still was expected to go out on the ministry representing the congregation to the public .
Perhaps we forget that field ministry is THE "Greatest Privilige of all!"....so they say
Oh you still have many privileges even if you are on restrictions:
-- The privilege to donate money
-- The privilege to cut the grass
-- The privilege to scrub out the toilets
-- The privilege to read life-sustaining spiritual food, such as Awake articles on "The Fascinating Sombrero - Mexico's Gift to the World"
I hope you are not losing your sense of appreciation, brother.
MC RubberMallet
WT Wizard - Lol! I agree.
DOC - Yea, its dumb. But knocking on strangers door knowing their life is at stake is a trustworthy assignment...
freydo - they just don't get it...
respectful_observer - how backwards is that?! I would think the fun part of restrictions is field service is restricted also
blues - Privilege? lol. As a kid I was embarrased to even walk to the meetings with my suit, now knock on your door? I grew out of it, but still...
sir82 - Exactly! Anything that benefits the SOCIETY, does not get restricted (more recruits, more money, more workers, more followers, etc.) Everything else gets the hatchet, even social events!
Well, I guess there'd be a significant percentage of people not able to recruit if they barred people from the ministry over conduct. Got to keep an eye on the bottom line, after all.