Not sure if any comments made on Oct awake

by bobld 5 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • bobld

    Page 19 Disturbing news reports and your children.

    What is the Governing Boby's point?That children under 13 should not watch news because of the violence?

    How about some disturbing news reports from the bible. Ishbosheth gets his head cutoff.

    David kills 200 men and cut thier foreskins off (6 years old asks what are foreshins?)

    Davis has sex with another man's wife and kills her husband( 5 year old ask do people kill to have sex)

    David disobeys god and 70,000 die.

    How about totally destruction of the Amalekies;every man,woman,child,baby,cattle,sheep and donkeys gets killed.

    one more how about cutting a baby in half that will scare any child.

    The gb always say to make the bible reading alive.I say it scares the bejesus out of the kids.

  • loosie

    oMG. The pic of Issac ALMOST being stabbed by Abraham used to scare the crap out of me. when I would get in trouble from my mom that pic used to flash thru my wonder I was such a goody two shoes....I didn't want to get stabbed.

  • inbetween

    personally I found this article interesting, because they say this on page 21:

    "The lesson? Make sure that you and

    your children maintain a balanced perspective

    of the news. The fact is, many

    calamities are viewed as newsworthy

    because they are relatively rare—not because

    they are common."

    Another hypocritical statement, since the WTS thrives on bad news in order to push their ideas of the last days, and even the dubs are encouraged to watch the news in order to find confirmation of fulfilling bible prophecies (wars, crime, violence etc)

  • WTWizard

    And what about the littera-trash, some of which is directed specifically at children? You have the My Book of LIE-ble Stories book, which would probably be rated R if it were a movie. Yet, the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger doesn't want the witlesses watching R movies which are portrayed as fiction.

  • cobaltcupcake

    "The lesson? Make sure that you and

    your children maintain a balanced perspective

    of the news. The fact is, many

    calamities are viewed as newsworthy

    because they are relatively rare—not because

    they are common."

    As bobld pointed out, the bible is full of violence against children. How many times did the Israelites wipe out an entire city? What about the scriptures about starving parents boiling their children? Sheesh!

    Oh, but wait, I'm wrong. Jehovah is a god of love.

    The Odd Life of Jehovah's Witnesses

  • BluesBrother

    "The fact is, many calamities are viewed as newsworthy because they are relatively rare—not because they are common."

    Yes, but try reminding your family of dubs of that quote when they gleefully report the latest earthquake or pestilence, or murder in the U K

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