Page 19 Disturbing news reports and your children.
What is the Governing Boby's point?That children under 13 should not watch news because of the violence?
How about some disturbing news reports from the bible. Ishbosheth gets his head cutoff.
David kills 200 men and cut thier foreskins off (6 years old asks what are foreshins?)
Davis has sex with another man's wife and kills her husband( 5 year old ask do people kill to have sex)
David disobeys god and 70,000 die.
How about totally destruction of the Amalekies;every man,woman,child,baby,cattle,sheep and donkeys gets killed.
one more how about cutting a baby in half that will scare any child.
The gb always say to make the bible reading alive.I say it scares the bejesus out of the kids.