JW discussion boards ...

by Tooz 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tooz

    JW discussion boards have been around for at least as long as this board has ...

    Did all of the boards that existed back then follow the "Faithful and Discrete" slave and shut down their boards?

    Or are some of them still singing their praises to Jehoavh online and going against orders?

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Following links here, I have read some forums that are pro-JW but not official JW sites. Look the JW posters here are allowed. We all know they have no business on an "apostate" forum. If their elders ever found out, judicial committee or some other sanction. For me, this shows the merits of each group. This forum can be downright mean and rude. Yet they can post here. We cannot post on JW.org or their sites.

    Forget about the Bible, theology, or any other matter, the freedom we enjoy here shows we can take opposite views and not be crushed by them. What is so scary to the Witnesses about thought itself, that even pro JW sites are forbidden.

    There was also a field service game or something from a commercial company, not the Witnesses. Commerce sites exist to purchase field service bags, reporting pads, any junk that can be found anywhere else. Just stick the words "Jehovah's Witnesses" on the description and they line up to buy, with no proceeds going to the WT.

    I believe I could prosper as a lawyer who is a Witness. People would flock from all over for me to do work that any other lawyer could do just b/c I add "Jehovah's Witness."

    What piques my curiosity is that if I can find these sites, the org. can also. I assume they look the other. People here have received legal letters threatening copyright infringement for Sparklock and other content. How do these forums stay in business? Does copyright infringement depend on the viewpoint presented?


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