as i look at the members in my area, i see alot of fustration and disapointment. those who still beleive 100%, are sending there kids off to college( to live on campus),there is no rush to send there kids off to bethel and others are just going through the motions just so they wont be questioned. in the last 7 years i've been in 2 congregations, in 2 different states, and the level of tension and in fighting in both, has made the isreali/ palistani conflict look mild. how is this house still standing? are you seeing similiar
the level of disapointment
by lastchance 9 Replies latest jw friends
I'm going to college, but only because my parents don't agree with WT's stance on higher education. They don't wan't to see me struggle financially. Living on campus would be a dream come true; I hate commuting an hour and thirty minutes back and forth every day. What I don't understand is why there are eleven (if you include me) Witnesses in my university (that I know of)! They must've missed the no higher education memo. I saw one of them pick up his/her magazines after they fell out of his/her binder last week in class! So I'm guessing he/she preaches to his/her classmates or something. I preach too, but it's not the same message as his/hers. LOL
rip van winkle
That's really GOOD NEWS!!!!
I've been out for a while, but still know of quite a few who went to college or sent their kids. Off hand, I know of 6 who sent their kids to college, myself included, and 4 who went as adults(myself included). One even went so far as to get her Masters!
I think too many have struggled and perhaps realized that the men in New York know nothing of having to live in the real world. I know that is what I started thinking as I would sit and listen to the talks telling me what I should and shouldn't do. So I started doing what made sense. I have to live in the real world.
If that trend continue (JW,s going too college), there wil
be some definite changes in JW land.
Witness My Fury
I saw one of them pick up his/her magazines after they fell out of his/her binder last week in class! So I'm guessing he/she preaches to his/her classmates or something. I preach too, but it's not the same message as his/hers. LOL
Not wishing to mock the afflicted here, but is this a he / she, or do you have a bad eyesight and cant make up your mind?
Mind you this can happen .... there's a she / he (not the same as a he / she) on the same road as me in my village. Only by having a face to face conversation was I able to work out she was late 20s female but who dressed and looked like a mid 40s 25 stone British builder.
you are priviliged indeed.
What are your studying ?
Witness My Fury- LOL! I woke up this past summer; I'm not fully deprogrammed yet. There's still a paranoid JW inside of me. "What if she was lurking here?", I thought. I'm risking free housing by posting here. It was a she, and I wondered if anyone would comment about my post. Anyway, she dropped out of my class this week. I have no idea why, but maybe it was the constant anti higher education reminders we've been getting lately. Heck, I used to feel guilty that I was going to college until I awoke this summer.
Hi Zeb, I did reply to your PM a while ago. I'm gradually getting over my paranoia of revealing info about me. I'm a nursing major, and there happen to be a few Witnesses in my class.
One's inactive, the other got dunked this summer and doesn't know much about the religion and has worldly friends, and the other two I don't know much about, and I don't want to identify myself as a Witness to them.
Bungi Bill
Is there perhaps a parallel developing here between the R & F Catholics' attitude to contraception and the R & F JWs' attitude to education?
Generations ago, the typical Catholic family discovered that it could (after all) quietly flout the church's prohibition of contraception, without anything unpleasant happening to them. Is the typical JW family starting to wake up to the same thing about education?
Certainly, the ones that seem to remain long-term "In the Truth" appear to quietly ignore the more extreme requirements of their religion - without suffering any dire consequences. (I could name at least on every prominent elder who sent his son to university, without anybody even considering the removal of his privileges. The fact that this same elder would still have to publicly parrot the party line about "Higher Education" is another matter entirely!)