... that's what 3mozzies posted about this original song and video* on YouTube. Only 110 views so far from JWD out of 340 views so far, hence another plug for the upcoming weekend! It'd be great to get a few bumps and bttt if you like the movie. (Thanks wannabefree and others on a previous thread kindly started by Cedars).
You'll see a history of the Witnesses as the Watchtower Society's writings have affected them: children and people of all ages growing up and growing older believing they've found the elusive truth and a special place in the world. A pivotal role in the universal issue of sovereignty, no less!
But what they've really received is entry to an authoritarian world of ever changing and always difficult rules and policies that just always seem to work out better for someone (or something) else. Whichever continent you're from and from whichever time period, the Watchtower had something to cause you a problem. Mob violence in North America. The holocaust in Europe. Being asked to watch life bleed away from your children or yourself to hold up some dodgy and complicated interpretation of a few simple scriptures. Institutionally inadequate responses to criminal child abusers. Conservative values enforced for everyone, like it or not. The faithful carry on: the awakened don't.
All those things are in this video with a Witness asking his Spiritual Mother just what she's up to. As loosie put it, it "puts shit in perspective". 'Disturbing' said panhandlegirl.
Please watch, share and comment!
* song based on Mother, Pink Floyd, 1979 written by Roger Waters and set to new and historic Watchtower images.