An Interesting email I received re: my judicial committee apostasy trial

by RayPublisher 9 Replies latest jw experiences

  • RayPublisher

    Shortly after releasing Part 5 of my apostasy trial I received this email:

    ------------ Eric I watched part five. It was great. I just want to ask a quick question. I notice that you certainly talk the language of the Kingdom Hall and you are trying to reach these elders so I applaud that. You made a comment about Baptists using hell fire as a theological weapon (not your words) to let people know if they don't belong to the Baptist Church they are going to Hell. Were you using the perception of JWs or have you ever seen a Baptist church that believes that. Baptists certainly believe in Hell and an eternal Lake of Fire, however; we believe that salvation is through faith in Christ alone and not through attendance at our churches. There are a few deviations within the Baptist camp but we are pretty unified that salvation is through Jesus alone and it is secure and has nothing to do with attending a Baptist church. Again, I'm not being critical. You may have been relating to them, you may have found some unusual Baptist that believes that, I'm not sure.

    Keep up the work. Pastor James
    First Baptist Church ------------
    [email protected]
    8:19 AM
    Pastor James Thank you for your kind words and commendation. Yes I was speaking to them in their lingo and using the misconceptions they carry around in their heads, which includes the notion that all Baptists preach fire and brimstone from the pulpit. As I was saying it, in the back of my mind the fact that this is a stereotype some have about your church crossed my mind but it had already been spoken so I pressed on with the analogy. You are right to bring this up and defend your faith and your church, and I would like to thank you for giving me this gentle counsel. I want to apologize if I besmirched the Baptist faith, as that was not my intention. More and more I am learning that Judgment belongs to our Lord Jesus and not to us and when we point out a straw in our brother's eye the log in ours only grows. I wish you continued success in the Lord's work Brother James. In Christ, Eric ------------
  • tec

    Getting a wide audience on that recording :)



  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    Eric, can you repost? It came over blank.

  • RayPublisher

    Shortly after releasing Part 5 of my apostasy trial I received this email: ------------ Eric I watched part five. It was great. I just want to ask a quick question. I notice that you certainly talk the language of the Kingdom Hall and you are trying to reach these elders so I applaud that. You made a comment about Baptists using hell fire as a theological weapon (not your words) to let people know if they don't belong to the Baptist Church they are going to Hell. Were you using the perception of JWs or have you ever seen a Baptist church that believes that. Baptists certainly believe in Hell and an eternal Lake of Fire, however; we believe that salvation is through faith in Christ alone and not through attendance at our churches. There are a few deviations within the Baptist camp but we are pretty unified that salvation is through Jesus alone and it is secure and has nothing to do with attending a Baptist church. Again, I'm not being critical. You may have been relating to them, you may have found some unusual Baptist that believes that, I'm not sure.

    Keep up the work. Pastor James
    First Baptist Church ------------

    [email protected]
    8:19 AM
    Pastor James Thank you for your kind words and commendation. Yes I was speaking to them in their lingo and using the misconceptions they carry around in their heads, which includes the notion that all Baptists preach fire and brimstone from the pulpit. As I was saying it, in the back of my mind the fact that this is a stereotype some have about your church crossed my mind but it had already been spoken so I pressed on with the analogy. You are right to bring this up and defend your faith and your church, and I would like to thank you for giving me this gentle counsel. I want to apologize if I besmirched the Baptist faith, as that was not my intention. More and more I am learning that Judgment belongs to our Lord Jesus and not to us and when we point out a straw in our brother's eye the log in ours only grows. I wish you continued success in the Lord's work Brother James. In Christ, Eric ------------
  • cobaltcupcake

    Wow, you are getting a wide audience! Kudos!

    Nice answer to the preacher. Just for the record, when I was a kid I sat in Methodist church while the preacher delivered a hellfire sermon. Of course, that was 40 years ago, so they may have tempered their message a tad since then.

    The Odd Life of Jehovah's Witnesses

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    Nice answer to the preacher.

    Did Ray Publisher post his response and I'm not seeing some of this thread?

  • cptkirk

    when the fiery eyes of god burn on these men, there will not be any reclamation of their souls. when i say these men, i mean all of the men that are currently involved in this kind of thing....which is at least a huge chunk of the borg(elders and non elders colluding together), can't speak for everyone, but it is most obviously ubiquitous. my identity will be revealed in time, and when it is, you will know utter destruction is to befall these men by the hand of god through me(and others). no i will not be blowing anything up literally or breaking even so much as a traffic law, or physically laying any hand on anyone. these same men that curse people who practice some sort of so called deviant sexual practice, and explain how much god hates these people....i assure you, there is redemption for these people, but there is no redemption for you men, for you have sinned against the holy spirit itself. you have *weaponized* the utensils of god, this is the most gross and detestable of all sins from which there is no pardon, no excuse, no "oh but we did it for you god to keep your place clean" nothing, just blackness, eternally.

  • Kojack57

    Raypublisher: Eric that was an interesting e- mail. Shows how wide of an audience that the Internet and u-tube can attract.

    Good job on your response to the pastor, that gave a good witness for our lord and savior Jesus Christ.

    I wanted to ask you if you have received any responses from the Elders in your hall after they looked at their faces on u-tube? LOL


  • RayPublisher

    @Kojack57 - I don't think the brothers that handled my case are aware of the videos, which is fine by me. I don't want them to be embarassed or to feel humiliated, that was never my intention.

    BTW, last night I went to the store to get some produce and the younger elder that was on the right in the vids was about two aisles away and as he went past me we saw each other and he smiled and waived. and I smiled back...

  • undercover

    So an elder on your JC committee, smiled and waved at you in the store? Even if you hadn't posted all 6 parts of your ordeal on YouTube for the world to see, I'm surprised he treated you that nicely. Mabye we'll see him here one day...

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