He has some really good articles on his website, however, when I try to read one I cannot read all of it as I cannot scroll down on his zoomed pages. Is there a way to correct this? I have emailed him about this, however, he has not seen fit to correct this.
Kent's Website
by KSJordan 8 Replies latest jw friends
Click on the upper right square.
You mean where it says maximize??? Don't you think I tried that but the little maximize box is gray, which means I cannot click on it to make it bigger.
Not the grey box that is "within" the window that has an "x" in it. If you click on that one I find the image "unzooms"
When the problem you describe happens to me, I click on the outer upper right hand square(s) in the main window.
It works for me.
I clicked on that little x you mention, the box closed like when you press the x on the main window. I will not let me maximize the window at all or scroll. Kent should correct this.
KSJordan; what browser are you using?
Click on 'Help' on the toolbar, then 'About', and you'll see the version number...
... if no one else is having the problem it could be a clientside problem (i.e. your PC).
And chill out man, people are trying to help you get information off a website that no-one gets paid for making; you sound more than a little rude, although I'm not sure whether this is because English isn't your first language.
I can't log on to Kents site. I just sit there and time out. tried a f
few times this morning then just gave up......................504 Gateway Timeout.......................
I defraged my PC this am after cleaning it out. This site pops right up no problemo.
Other sites no problem either. Just Kents. My PC is spoiled.plm
You can also right click the zoomed doc, pull the url off the "properties". Cut and paste it into the location bar and re-open it into a new window.
Interesting and I will try that. Also, getting it on your history helps. I found that out by accident yesterday.