May you all have peace!
(At the outset I must confess that the following is not mine, in that it was not given to ME, but to my brother, Finalcall, who shared it with me, as it was given HIM, by Christ. Since he (FC) is kinda shy, and the information is very important, I have posted it in his stead. Please forgive me, my brother, if I am being presumptuous):
The WTBTS' position of those who eat and drink my Lord's 'meal' is that they MUST be 'of the anointed' (having received holy spirit) and that ONLY the 'anointed' can eat and drink without 'judgment'. Otherwise, anyone eating and drinking WITHOUT being 'anointed' do so 'unworthily', and thus eat and drink judgment against themselves.
However, what is the TRUE purpose for this teaching? It is to SHUT UP THE KINGDOM OF THE HEAVENS, THE CHRIST, BEFORE MEN. How do we know this?
Because of significant note is the FACT that the 12 (includuing Matthias and excluding Judas) ate and drank WITH our Lord... on the night of his death... 50 DAYS BEFORE THE OUTPOURING OF HOLY SPIRIT.
Thus, even the apostles had not yet 'received' the promised holy spirit, and thus were NOT YET ANOINTED, when they FIRST ate and drank the spiritual food and drink!
What 'judgment', then, did such ones eat and drink against themselves? None, for the ONLY one who ate and drank 'unworthily' was Judas, who in fact ate... and drank... but whose 'morsel' was first DIPPED... indicating by its being so HIS hypocrisy... HIS pollution... HIS uncleanness... HIS... 'unworthiness'.
Sigh! And another - false teaching - bites the dust!
Peace to you.
A slave of Christ,