Eating & Drinking... "Unworthily"

by AGuest 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    May you all have peace!

    (At the outset I must confess that the following is not mine, in that it was not given to ME, but to my brother, Finalcall, who shared it with me, as it was given HIM, by Christ. Since he (FC) is kinda shy, and the information is very important, I have posted it in his stead. Please forgive me, my brother, if I am being presumptuous):

    The WTBTS' position of those who eat and drink my Lord's 'meal' is that they MUST be 'of the anointed' (having received holy spirit) and that ONLY the 'anointed' can eat and drink without 'judgment'. Otherwise, anyone eating and drinking WITHOUT being 'anointed' do so 'unworthily', and thus eat and drink judgment against themselves.

    However, what is the TRUE purpose for this teaching? It is to SHUT UP THE KINGDOM OF THE HEAVENS, THE CHRIST, BEFORE MEN. How do we know this?

    Because of significant note is the FACT that the 12 (includuing Matthias and excluding Judas) ate and drank WITH our Lord... on the night of his death... 50 DAYS BEFORE THE OUTPOURING OF HOLY SPIRIT.
    Thus, even the apostles had not yet 'received' the promised holy spirit, and thus were NOT YET ANOINTED, when they FIRST ate and drank the spiritual food and drink!

    What 'judgment', then, did such ones eat and drink against themselves? None, for the ONLY one who ate and drank 'unworthily' was Judas, who in fact ate... and drank... but whose 'morsel' was first DIPPED... indicating by its being so HIS hypocrisy... HIS pollution... HIS uncleanness... HIS... 'unworthiness'.

    Sigh! And another - false teaching - bites the dust!

    Peace to you.

    A slave of Christ,


  • VioletAnai

    Lords Evening Meal didn't start till Judas left to betray Jesus...

    Apostles were the first disciples, thus the older men of the congregation, they were personally taught by Jesus so that when He left them, they were qualified enough to teach the rest of territory and So they were in a special position from the beginning. They believed they were going to heaven as the annointed co-rulers of Christ, they had no doubt because Jesus had told them this. This is indicated by the two brothers who had mummy go and ask for the right and left hand of Jesus' throne in the new system. If they didn't believe they wouldn't have tried for two favoured positions. The teaching of the annointed is clear in my mind....

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    Great Point...

    "Because of significant note is the FACT that the 12 (includuing Matthias and excluding Judas) ate and drank WITH our Lord... on the night of his death... 50 DAYS BEFORE THE OUTPOURING OF HOLY SPIRIT.
    Thus, even the apostles had not yet 'received' the promised holy spirit, and thus were NOT YET ANOINTED, when they FIRST ate and drank the spiritual food and drink!"

    I personally would have a hard time denying the symbols of the body & blood of Christ, BUT, I also would have a hard time taking part in a ritual performed at a kingdom hall.

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    Because of significant note is the FACT that the 12 (includuing Matthias and excluding Judas) ate and drank WITH our Lord... on the night of his death... 50 DAYS BEFORE THE OUTPOURING OF HOLY SPIRIT.
    Thus, even the apostles had not yet 'received' the promised holy spirit, and thus were NOT YET ANOINTED, when they FIRST ate and drank the spiritual food and drink!

    Good point!

    If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?
  • LittleToe

    They had the "hope", but still weren't clear on so many of the details, as evidenced by their surprise at His being taken away and executed.

    Much is made of this "heavenly hope" business, as in a recent Watchtower that my wife thrust under my nose.
    The truth is that the disciples were looking to be with their Lord, not looking to a particular place (John 13:37).
    I would rather be in the worst hell-hole, with Christ, than in heaven without Him.

    They didn't have the assurance of the Holy Spirit until Pentecost.
    It is thought, by some, that they were in the upper room "partaking" as commanded. After that act of faith they were filled with the Spirit.
    It is the Spirit which makes the change, as Paul evidenced in Romans 8.

    Thanks for bringing this to the fore, again.

    Edited for typo's - thanks for resurrecting edit, Simon.

  • Francois

    Congratulations! Much better post. Readable. Not so annoying. Keep it up. You might be listenable after all.

    I wonder sometimes if you have had an experience that you don't understand, but feel as if you've been directly spoken to. And this experience is like, um, like, like, like, let's say we could call it "an experience with the Light." Have you had one of those? Did it scare you? Do you know what it means? Have you ever discussed it (if you've had one)? Am I close here?


    NOTE TO GOVERNING BODY: You've been challenged to a debate, boys. Dont you have ANY balls?

  • lv4fer

    What are the scriptures that the society uses to teach that only the annointed can partake? I've been trying to explain to my son that we should partake of the emblems. He 17 and (I've done a good job of brainwashing him) I am currently trying to undo what I've done. I told him I would go to the memorial but I would partake at home afterwards. He said he didn't want to partake because he didn't think it was right. HELP I need scriptures to convince him he should.

  • AGuest

    May you all have peace and may I make a correction, if you will permit me. I wrote:

    Because of significant note is the FACT that the 12 (including Matthias and excluding Judas) ate and drank WITH our Lord... on the night of his death... 50 DAYS BEFORE THE OUTPOURING OF HOLY SPIRIT.
    That is an ERROR. What I MEANT to say was that the 12, INCLUDING Judas, ate and drank with my Lord and had not yet 'received' the promised holy spirit, and thus were NOT YET ANOINTED, when they FIRST ate and drank the spiritual food and drink... and that Matthias was INCLUDED as being chosen BEFORE he nd the others received holy spirit.

    Judas was INDEED present and DID eat. I would ask any that believe differently to reread the accounts, particularly Luke and John, one of which (John) repeatedly says:

    "As they continued eating"... and Judas had not yet been dismissed...

    and the other (Luke) which says:

    "Look! The hand of my betrayer is WITH ME at the table."

    And contrary to the WTBTS' erroneous statement that Luke is NOT in 'chronological' order (Insight Book, "Judas"), Luke HIMSELF states at Luke 1:1-4 that he took GREAT care to MAKE SURE that it was written in order.

    I apologize for my mistatement. I meant to say it as I have now.

    And, again, I bid you peace!

    A slave of Christ,


  • AGuest

    Again, may you all have peace!

    Dearest Francois, please know that I understand ABSOLUTELY what has and is occurring with me, without a doubt. There are things that I didn't understand right away, but were explained later, things that initially frightened me, but were explained later, and I have shared ALL of it with either those here and/or those 'in union' with my by means of Christ. I am glad, however, that I didn't irritate you so this time - Peace!

    Dearest Violet, peace to you and I IMPLORE you... reread the accounts. Please.

    Dearest Lv4fer, may you have peace and perhaps this will be of some assistance:

    To all others, may you have peace!

    A slave of Christ,


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