Yeah i thinkin of going to the hall to be a spy lick everyones asses sow the seeds of truth in them bit by bit you know its just to easy and i reckon they will fall for it.Think i could help all those zombiefied souls, you see if the old men at the watchtower can fool them surely i could:"any suggestions"
Im going to be a undercover witness spy
by master chief 9 Replies latest jw friends
"any suggestions"
Someone that can't write a single paragraph any better than what you've done should abandon ship, I think. Forget it and think about re-entering Kindergarten.
Daniel 11:35 ... a KEY prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.
Take me with?
"...the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing" - The Golden Age
[SYN], UADA - Unseen Apostate Directorate of Africa. -
Give it a try,but the boreDUMB would kill me!
master chief
"RESPONSE TO SARDINE" at least i got a better name than you so there.i reckon you should write less and pick your spots more.
apostate man
Ignore bass ackwards friday. He is just here to cause trouble. I am with you on this. I have thought about doing the same. I just don't feel like wasting my time with a bunch of SATAN WORSHIPPERS!!!
It's not so bad to finish second, because the other guy finished second to last. -A.M.
I do agree with yadirf on this one. I've read
three of your posts now, it appears your no 007. -
master chief,
The best way to convince the JW's to leave is by living a happy and meaningful life outside "the Borg". Anyone who sees that happiness may develop a desire to share that happiness.
If people are happy inside there, any efforts to try to "save" them will probably meet with subtle but strong resistance on their part. You see, they have these invisible "apostate shields" in their minds to guard against people like you and me who may have good intentions to help. Due to that "shield", helping them is harder than you likely realize. They've been the subject of an intense intellectual and emotional campaign, and unless they initiate it themselves, they probably won't want to leave, because they'll reason that the "good outweighs the bad".
-J.R., member, UADNA-MN
(Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America - Minnesota division)This post was not evaluated by any mental health professionals.
Any opinions expressed are those of a fuzzy, cuddly rodent. -
The phrase "Cognitive dissonance" comes to mind. Sadly for many of them the worse things get in the org, the more determined they are to dig in deeper and show loyalty.
Basically most have not got the courage to admit that they have been wrong -
I think the best tactic is not joining, but as gopher said : live a nice life outside. best thing to convince them is to let them convice themselves. i think that when they get at your door or maybe you can find them, go to places where they do streetwork, then ask them questions they can`t answer. this takes preparation though. try to pretend you are interested but do not understand a contradiction. use their own litter-ature against them in a caring manner. they have to draw the conclusions themselves. I know that when someone a few years ago at the door told me JW`s were false profets I wouldn`t believe it. I started believing that after research I did on my own.
ask for proof of their claims and they will be soon without words!
most "proof" they can come up with can be easily torpedoed with reason and examples.succes anyway, whatever course you may take.
"Fear is strange soil. Mainly it grows obedience like corn, which grows in rows and makes weeding easy. But sometimes it grows the potatoes of defiance, which flourish underground."
-from "Small Gods" by Terry Pratchett-