I see in the yearbook 2002 that Jw make 3 new movies abauot bloodissu, and they get first price fore one of them in a contest, gold camera award. someone here who see this movies.
JW mowie, bloodissu
by happy man 7 Replies latest jw friends
Extremely old news, you'll have to do a search based on the name of the awards to find the long thread that dealt with it. As I recall the "golden camera" is not first place, as it was given to many of the public relations films that were submitted as a way of saying they were well made. Of course this was not an endorsement of the silly arguments contained therein. This was not a serious documentary competition, nor really a competition at all. Naturally the WTS did not reflect these facts in their reporting.
Happy -
Can you please post the comments from the yearbook? I would love to see how accurate is the information presented. Take your time, use an English spell checker if one is available to you.
Who is stopping you from getting your own yearbook>
As a public service to those for whom English is an additional language, and thus cannot readily understand some of the garbled posts in this thread, here they are in something closer to proper English form:
Happy Man's post:
I see from the 2002 Yearbook that the Jehovah's Witnesses have produced three new videos concerning the medical use of blood and blood fractions, as well as substitutes for some fractions and some alternative medical procedures. It appears they were recognized for their production quality in a non-competitive forum. Has anyone seen any of these presentations?
Fred's post:I am a useless troll.
From page 21 of teh 2002 yearbook:
Bloodless medicine and Surgery--Three videos
A series of three videos has been produced by Audio/Video Services, together with brothers from Germany and other countries, that presents the reasonableness and effectiveness of bloodless medicine and surgery. In all three videos, well-known surgeons contrast the effectiveness of transfusion-alternative strategies with procedures that use blood. The first video in the series is entitles Transfusion-alternative Stategies--Simple, Safe, Effective.
The first video was completed in time to qualify for entry in the 34th annual U.S. International Film Video Festival. In all, there were 1500 entries from 33 countries.
Comments: the video was awarded second place and recieved the silver screen award in 'Research Documentation' and 'Professional-Educational'. (and second place) and first place in 'Current Issues'.
Further comments. Let's deal with something the Watchtower will not...human beings!!! Even according to the society, the main issues were not-emergency surgery.
Is this the area where Jehovah's Witnesses lose their lives the most? It would appear not. JW's die in the emergency room and in childbirth..and more and more from the effect of other medical treatments. which leads to some issues...
1) These tecniques will have no effect on stemming the flood of JW's dying from blood issue, since elective and planned surgery isn't the biggest problem.
2) These issues involve training surgeons and involve machines and equipment which are not accessible or avalible to MOST of the Jehovahah's Witnesses--in third world countries and in South American countries, where most of their growth is occurring right now. Taking into account both of these factors, you are now only able to benefit a tiny fraction of JW's. And so, the problem still remains that Jehovah's Witnesses will still be expelled/shunned because they accepted blood transfusions because these 'wonderful alternative' ARE NOT AVAILABLE TO THEM. This blatantly discriminates against JW's who are wealthier or who live in better areas of the world. What good are stategies and tecniques and machines and equipment THAT ARE NOT AVAILABLE TO THEM. So much for God not being partial---the Watchtower certainly is.
3) If it's really true that blood transfusions are so 'ungodly', and that Jehovah's Witnesses really don't believe in blood transfusions and don't really follow men...then prove it WATCHTOWER and remove the shunning and expulsion policy and give these JW's a chance to refuse it on their own, make it a real conscience matter....HAHAHA. AND DON'T GET CAUGHT IN THE STAMPEDE!!!!
Gold and Silver are not first and second place in this instance. There was no limit to the number of videos that could "win" either prize. The fact that two out of three only got silver, and that after entering in multiple categories in something that was not really a competition or contest, speaks much of the quality of the productions.
I've got to offer a contrary view, I'm afraid.
I believe that the video, that I saw recently (my wife REALLY wanted me to watch it with her!), may save lives.
My wife didn't really know what cell-savers and haemo-dilution meant. She was going to sign "No!" on the Advance Medical Directive, even though I explained them to her as best I could.
Now she has changed her mind, due to some emphasised comments (in the video) to the effect that the blood is kept in circulation.At least some dubs will now accept these two procedures, whereas previously they may not have.