Just to keep you up-to-date on my not being invited to my sister's wedding reception.
(In case you missed PART 1, check out http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=23578&site=3 )
In response to the letter I received from my sister (which explained why I could not be invited to the reception) I sent the following email reply. (Again, the names have been changed)
Hi R*****,I was really hoping that this would give her the ammo to allow her to invite me. Apparently, I was wrong. Here is her response:I received your letter, and I know it was very difficult for you to write. I could be wrong, but I got the feeling that you had been told that I could not be invited to the dinner/reception. If that is true, then perhaps you could present my case to whomever said I should not be present at the reception. And here is my case:
I am confused, because this action is not in line with "present truth" on the subject. According to the most up-to-date information published by the Society on this subject: "Those who simply cease to be involved in the faith are not shunned."
This can be seen posted on the official Jehovah's Witnesses media website, please check out the following. DON'T PANIC, this is an *OFFICIAL* Jehovah's Witness website.
Start at http://www.watchtower.org and then click on the "MEDIA" button on the bottom right had corner. This will take you to http://www.jw-media.org/.
Next click on "BELEIFS" on the menu bar on the top, this will take you to http://www.jw-media.org/beliefs/default.htm. Now click on FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS at the bottom of the page. You should now be at: http://www.jw-media.org/beliefs/beliefsfaq.htm (of course, you could just jump straight there, but I wanted to prove that this was a legitimate, official Jehovah's Witnesses website).
Now, the fourth item on this page is:
Do you shun former members?
Those who simply cease to be involved in the faith are not shunned. In compliance with the Scriptures, however, members can be expelled for serious unchristian conduct, such as stealing, drunkenness, or adultery, if they do not repent and cease such actions. Disfellowshipping does not sever family ties. Disfellowshipped members may continue to attend religious services, and if they wish, they may receive pastoral visits. They are always welcome to return to the faith.—1 Corinthians 5:11-13. ===========================Yes, I have "ceased to be involved with the faith", but according to this up-to-date information, I am not to be shunned.
Furthermore, according to this, even the case of Disfellowshipping (which is *NOT* my case) "does not sever family ties" -- and surely being part of a family gathering like a wedding celebration would be part of normal "family ties". However, I digress. The point is, "Those who simply cease to be involved in the faith are not shunned."
Please, *PLEASE* reconsider this situation, I would love to be part of the reception.
Also, I would feel rather unusual if I was part of the photographs, but not part of the reception. It would be as if you are saying "Oh sure, we'll tolerate your presence long enough to make things look good for the photographs, the permanent record, "keeping up appearances"; but once we're done to photos "You're the weakest link... Good Bye". It would just seem pretty weird, but that's just my opinion.
Anyhow, if you want, please talk to whomever you have to talk to, in light of the Society saying "Those who simply cease to be involved in the faith are not shunned.".
Lots of love,
Am I wrong in my understanding that you wrote a formal letter to theAny advice from you guys & gals would be most appreciated
society, disassociating yourself from the congregation, if I am just say so.However if you did, you were rejecting the organization.
No one ever said that I could not or must not invite you. Only that if you did disassociate yourself (not just fall inactive, or nonpractising) then I would have to tell each person that a dissasociated person would be at the reception, and then they have a right not to come. Especially since the scriptures tell us not to even eat with a person who rejects Jehovah and his organization.As to family ties, you know very well that they have not been cut. We keep in touch, you have not been ostracized.
Besides, the most important part, in my honest opinion, is the ceremony. Two people are joined before Jehovah to be partners for life. I didn't even want a wedding, I want a wedding and huge reception, that just comes with marrying a European. That is why I would like you there. But in the end, it is your perrogative.
As you can see, it is not a matter of pleading any case, or else I should in a second. If you have disassociated yourself, not just become inactive, this is the course that the scriptures tell me I must follow out of love for Jehovah.
If I am wrong and mistaken in the steps you have taken, just tell me. Love R*****.
For the record. I did not write a formal letter. I tried to slip away, but was tried for apostasy, and and the end of the meeting told the elders that I didn't want to have anything to do with them anymore. They asked me submit a letter, but I felt I was already out and was not about to follow anymore of their rules, including the rules about how *NOT* to be a member.
Again, your input is appreciated.
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