is this a preview of future tactics of the WT to counter the impending child molestation lawsuits

by never a jw 9 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • never a jw
    never a jw


    "What if a powerful government were to hatch a plot to exterminate Jehovah’s Witnesses as an organization. Many men in modern times have attempted to do that and failed" Watchtower Study Edition July 15, 2012 page 23

    Call me cynical, but the timing, the reference to a powerful government (U.S.), and the use of the words "hatch a plot to exterminate" is right up the alley of the Watchtower "the world is against us" tactics.

  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz

    The governing body creates an air of paranoia when under threat .We were asked recently from the circuit overseer to have grab bags ready in case we have to leave our houses in case of emergency .Why now? Also reports from Ireland where top elders were asked to attent secret meeting where among other things were taught how to dig holes to bury dead people in a hurry .The more I read about the more I realise that these guys in the GB body are an isolated group of men with absolute power .If the United States are after them ,why create an air of paranoia for all Witnesses ? They are dangerous men creating danerous policies for 7.5 million witnesses concerning pedophilia ,blood tranfusions etc. and aggresively force them upon us .They have not got God's spirit they don't care about peoples lives or their familes ,they sooner they go the better .I won't cry for them ,they deserve all that's cming to them

  • slimboyfat

    They are the authors of their own misfortune.

  • cuckoo in the nest
    cuckoo in the nest

    They've been watching too many YouTube videos about the Mayan calendar, or Planet Nibiru. Next Kingdom Ministry will come with a free tinfoil hat.

  • zeb

    all the talk of zombies on just about every US site is affecting the WTS.

    what else do they look at on the web?

  • zeb

    regards persecution.

    The wts could have approached the US Govt and arranged the evacuation of JW out of Nazi held lands through a neutral country, but didnt.

  • 00DAD

    Jesus said his followers would be persecuted. However, being persecuted does NOT prove one is a Christian.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I contributed to another thread related to this question. Since more and more states are making clergy reporting mandatory and other victims will have more courage to face the rigors of litigation after Conti's success, the WT's current postion is against their own narrow interests. The WT will amputate limbs to prove the point that govtl authority cannot bind them, even tho Jesus said to pay tribute to governmental authorities when it does not conflict with God.

    The focus should be on Conti, not the WT. They are not the victim or survivor.

    Sadly, this mindset runs throughout all their actions through generations. It is not confined to Conti's case.

    I don't see how they can possibly sustain it in the long run. We all know their two witness rule is not scriptural but man made by the GB. No where does a Biblical text say that abused children cannot be protected unless two witnesses were present. Rape laws used to require similar tupes of corrobration. Science shows that children do not lie. It is a statistically insignicant worry. Past behavior of pedophilia is an overwhelming indication or present and future behavior.

    I was born-in and once accepted their statements. How anyone can bite in who has not been brain washed their whole life is beyond me.

    Conti deserved protection b/c she was born with rights. The wider society has every right to condem them. Does anyone think the award encouraged anyone sitting on the fence to become a Jehovah's Witness. Their attitude and actions are repulsive and not only to apostates.

    They will pay a price but how many more children are sacrificed until the day of their punishment.

  • Kudra

    lol, seriously, W.T.F...

    What if a powerful government were to hatch a plot to exterminate Jehovah’s Witnesses as an organization.

    Yeah! What IF!?

    ...go ahead and file that under "scenario least likely to occur, EVER".

  • Kudra

    And "hatch a plot"!? Who writes this?? Someone who watched one too many cartoons of Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck trying to kill each other?

    the lulz keep coming.

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