I was boycotted today , how dare they ! . LOL

by smiddy 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • smiddy

    I was having a cup of coffee in my lounge room today,looking out the window , when a group of people were slowly walking past my house,Im on the end of the street,4 crossed to the other side and started d2d.while the 4 on my side of the street,dawdled past my house and started next door.....I guess I`m marked ,blacklisted,you would think they would try to talk to my wife though wouldnt you ? In the 5 years we have been here I dont think they have ever contacted her.So much for their effective witnessing


  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    This is a good thing!

  • irondork

    I don't know the story about your wife, but about 3 months after I DA'd my roommate did a very quick fade. That all happened about a year ago. Since, no one has called her or stopped by to visit in an official (shepherding) capacity. She did say that one of the sisters called her about 6 mos ago to say hi.

    I thought the official policy even for DF and DA people was an annual visit to see if we changed our minds. The roomie is neither, and still no effort to gather the lost sheep??? What if we wanted to return but felt unworthy and just needed a little encouragement from one of the appointed shepherds? It could be that we want to return to the Kingdom Hall, to our spiritual brothers and sisters, having experience how disgusting the the world is, realizing our mistake in leaving the protection of Jehovah's organization and the bounteous spiritual provisions and blessings that can only come through close association and loyalty with the faithful and dis.....

    Oh, God! I'm making myself sick!!!


  • konceptual99

    Are you DF'ed/DA'ed? If so then not surprising. The R&F will leave it to the elders who will likely not do what they are meant to either.

  • cobaltcupcake

    Do they know you're an apostate (cue scary music organ)? That may be why they don't call. If you answered the door dozens of demons would fly out and instantly attach to the JWs. They may not have used their anti-demon spray that morning.


    The Odd Life of Jehovah's Witnesses

  • smiddy

    Yes I DA`ed myself a couple of years ago from an interstate cong. ,though my wife never did.She is not a beleiver anymore either ,however she would never engage them in a conversation even if she had the chance, she doesnt see the point in doing so.We also have a neice and her husband who attend this cong.who we dont see ,although she did drop a WT.& aletter in our mailbox just before the last memorial ,that we didnt respond to.


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