Was There a First Century Governing Body? - Fred Franz's View

by JWB 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JWB


    On 7 September 1975, during the graduation day of the 59th class of Gilead, WTS President Nathan Knorr introduced WTS Vice-President Frederick Franz to the audience. The talk that Franz then gave makes, I think, a powerful argument against the view that there was some first century 'governing body' situated at Jerusalem which somehow had executive power over all the various Christian congregations.


    Quotations from the talk
    What appears between [] is my own text, meant for purposes of context clarification and showing approximate audio times.

    Although I believe the quotation texts below are accurate transcripts of certain parts of the talk, I cannot guarantee it is free of errors. Therefore, I would advise the reader to listen to the complete audio, which is about 30 minutes in length.

    [00:43] (Fred Franz speaking:)

    "Now this class is being sent forth in collaboration with the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York incorporated by the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. Now, the question may be raised today; what right does the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society have to send missionaries out into the field? Or evangelizers? The American Translation renders the word evangelizer: Missionary. Who authorized the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania to send missionaries all around the globe? Now such challenging questions may be also raised with an earlier circumstance, and that is based on the fact that the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society was founded by a man who became an evangelizer of world note, one of the most eminent evangelizers of this 20th century and especially attaining global fame when he made his trip around the world in the year 1912. That man was Charles Taze Russell of Allegheny Pennsylvania. Now, I've often wondered about this matter, and maybe you have too. Just how did Russell become an evangelizer - who made him an evangelizer?"


    "At the time that he [Charles Taze Russell] lived, this professed Christian organization that was symbolized in Jesus' parable by the dragnet that gathered in fish suitable and unsuitable for orthodox Jews to eat, this professed Christian organization was still in operation and was gathering in these different qualities of symbolic fish. That meant that the various religious establishments of Christendom were in operation. For instance, there was the Anglican Church with its ruling body and the Protestant Episcopal Church with its ruling body, there was the Methodist Church with its conference, there was also the Presbyterian Church to which Russell used to belong with its synod. There was also the Congregational Church which Russell joined with its central congregation, but none of these controlling organizations of this dragnet organization was Russell made an evangelizer or a missionary. Well now, since Russell broke away from all these religious institutions of Christendom they didn't recognize him and he became known as Paster Russell, and I remember how the clergy would raise the question: Who made him a Pastor? So the validity of his ministry was questioned and challenged by the clergy of this dragnet organization about which the Lord Jesus Christ spoke in the 13th chapter of Matthew. So, in view of those things I often wondered now, how did Russell become what he did become, and maybe you've wondered about the matter too. So I just began to think about the 1st Century when this Christian evangelistic work or missionary work was first started."


    "Now, where these 12 Apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ, by unloading this responsibility for taking care of tables [in the distribution of food to widows], were they making themselves really figure heads in the congregation of God and of Jesus Christ? They certainly were not making themselves figure heads because they specialized on spiritual things. They were more active at the spiritual end of the matter than at the semi-secular end of the matter. So things prospered when they did that; when they rendered the things to which they had not been appointed by Jesus Christ as Apostles to take care of as his witnesses to all the congregation. And they specialized on preaching, and the Lord God blessed them. Now we find with regard to this Philip that he left his job of taking care of tables at Jerusalem. Did you know that? He left that Job, and he went down to Samaria, and when he was down there in Samaria he did a preaching work and performed many signs and wonders, and it was because of the work that he did down there and afterwards that he became an evangelist. Now who made Philip an evangelist or evangelizer? Oh, you say 'the Apostles! The body of Apostles! Of course; it couldn't be any other way'. But was it? We read the account; let the Bible speak for itself."


    "So that's what happened with Philip; how he became and evangelizer. Now these are things to note friends! Then something happened right after that and the Lord Jesus Christ took action, and he took direct action without consulting any man or body of men on earth! And that's when he, the head of the congregation met Saul of Tarsus the persecutor there in the road leading to Damascus. He stopped him and he said; now this is a chose vessel under me. I'm choosing him as [I am] the head of the church, without consulting any people on earth. And he chose Saul to be an evangelizer to carry the message not only to the Jews but also to all the Gentile nations. Later on the account tells us that Barnabas took Paul, or Saul of Tarsus down to Jerusalem, but they were all afraid of him. And Saul of Tarsus or Paul tells us that when they went up there to Jerusalem he saw none of the Apostles, except Peter with whom he spent 15 days, and also the apostle James. Those are the only two! Then he went back to Tarsus and he continued on in his labors. Well, later on, why, Barnabas was sent down there to Antioch and he ended up - Saul brought him there, and they taught in Antioch for quite a while. Paul became a member of the Antioch congregation, and he was one of the prophets there in that congregation specially mentioned. And then, all of a sudden as he was serving there in Antioch - in Syria, not in Israel, but in Syria, why, God's Spirit spoke to that congregation there in Antioch and said now, of all things you set aside - this congregation in Antioch, YOU set aside these two men, namely Barnabas and Saul for the work for which I have commissioned them, and so the Antioch congregation did that."


    "And they [members of the Antioch congregation] laid their hands upon Paul or Saul and Barnabas and sent them forth, as a number of translations read, sent 'em forth! And then they went forth by the Holy Spirit operating through the Antioch congregation and they went out on their first missionary assignment. So you see, the Lord Jesus Christ was acting as the head of the congregation and taking action directly, without consulting any body here on earth what he could do or what he could not do! And he acted in that way with regard to Saul and Barnabas, an they were both apostles of the Antioch congregation, and so they went out to the work and had great success. And in the course of time they completed their first missionary tour, and where did they go? Where did they report? Well there's a record, you read it for yourself in the closing verses of the 14th chapter of Acts. They went back to Antioch, to the congregation there and the account says, 'They related things in detail to them, to this congregation that had committed them to the undeserved kindness of God for the work that they had performed'. So there's where they reported! So, the record also says, now they stayed in Antioch 'not a little time'. Well note what happened."


    "All of a sudden something occurs and Paul and Barnabas they go up to Jerusalem. Well, what's the matter? What brings them up to Jerusalem? Well, is it the body of the Apostles and the other elders of the Jerusalem congregation that have summoned them up there and said: Look here! We have heard that you two men have gone out on a missionary tour and you've finished it and you haven't come up here to Jerusalem to report to us! Do you know who we are? We're the council of Jerusalem! Don't you recognize the headship of the Lord Jesus Christ? If you don't come on up here in a hurry we're going to take disciplinary action against you! Is that what the account says? Well if they had acted that way toward Paul and Barnabas because they reported to the congregation by means of which the holy spirit had sent them out, then this council of Jerusalem of apostles and other elders of the Jewish congregation would have put themselves above the headship of the Lord Jesus Christ! But that isn't what occurred. You know what happened; how Jews came down from Jerusalem and stirred up the matter of circumcision and it troubled the congregation there in Antioch so much that the Antioch congregation sent Paul and Barnabas up to Jerusalem to have the council settle the issue, and of course being sent by the congregation of Antioch they had to come back and report and advise the congregation of the settlement of the question of the decision that was made by the council there at Jerusalem. And then it was when they were arguing in favor of Christians from the gentiles not having to be circumcised like Jews, it was then that Paul and Barnabas told what God had done by means of them in the Gentile world. And then it was that the council got the report. Then they went back to Antioch, which had sent them forth to make known the decision and the Jerusalem council, why, sent along two men Judas and Silas with them. And so they delivered the report from the council, and there was great rejoicing among the gentile believers. Now time passes, and Paul and Barnabas are at Antioch."


    "And so, as we examine this account of these two most outstanding among the missionaries recorded in Bible history, we find that they were sent off specially by the Lord Jesus Christ - the Head of the Church. A fact which the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society has upheld and accepted ever since the Society was formed. So we see how the Lord Jesus Christ as the Head of the Church has the right to act direct without any other organizations in view no matter who we are. He is the Head of the Church, and we can't challenge what he does."


    [29:13] (Closing comment of video maker:)

    "The Biblical presentation Fred Franz has made is correct, fully in accord with what the Scriptures themselves say. It also directly contradicts the claims made by the Witness organization, that God and Christ deal with all true Christians through one central authority structure, acting as a sort of divine channel of communication and direction. Clearly Paul and Barnabas did not view Jerusalem as a seat of any such authority, nor consider it the right of any group of men to, as the Vice-President himself expressed it, 'put themselves above the headship of the Lord Jesus Christ' and act as if anything that he did should be done by and through them as a governing body. The Scriptural evidence against the concept of an earthly centralized authority structure, exercising control over all Christians globally, was clearly presented in Fred Franz's talk. God's Son told his disciples they had but one leader, Christ himself, and that they themselves were all brothers. Holding to that teaching would protect against the infringement on Christ's leadership role as to the elevation of any man or group of men to a position of superior authority over their brothers."

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    This is excellent stuff. Franz was always a wild card responsible for the 1975 debacle but was also the most prolific thinker in the organisation ever. Here he speaks sense , I wonder what the present bunch of duffers would say to argue their way out of this one?


    Reasoning Book pg. 281

    How did God convey instructions to his servants on earth in times past?When worshipers of Jehovah were few in number, he gave directions to family heads such as Noah and Abraham, and they then acted as Jehovah's spokesmen to their families. (Gen. 7:1, 7; 12:1-5) When Jehovah delivered the Israelites from Egypt, he gave them directions through Moses. (Ex. 3:10) At Mount Sinai, God organized the people into a nation, providing laws and regulations to govern their worship and their relations with one another. (Ex. 24:12) He established a priesthood to take the lead in matters of worship and to instruct the people in Jehovah's requirements; at times he also raised up prophets to deliver needed exhortation and warning to the people. (Deut. 33:8, 10; Jer. 7:24, 25) Thus, although Jehovah listened to the prayers of individual worshipers, he provided instruction for them through an organizational arrangement.As the time neared for Jehovah to begin to unify true worshipers with himself by means of Jesus Christ, God sent him to earth to act as His spokesman. (Heb. 1:1, 2) Then with the outpouring of holy spirit at Pentecost of 33 C.E., the Christian congregation was brought into existence. After Jesus had returned to heaven, this congregation became Jehovah's arrangement for instructing and for coordinating the efforts of individual Christians. There were overseers to take the lead in local congregations, and a central governing body made necessary decisions and helped to coordinate activity. Clearly, Jehovah had brought into existence an organization on earth made up of true Christians.-Acts 14:23; 16:4, 5; Gal. 2:7-10.

    1962 Watchtower pg 769

    We Need Jehovah's OrganizationIT WAS with good reason that Jesus Christ likened the worshipers of Jehovah to gregarious sheep. Like sheep, they need one another and the loving oversight of a shepherd. That it is Jehovah's will for them to be together in one flock instead of being scattered, having a separate spiritual existence, is made evident by what Jesus said in the tenth chapter of John. In the eleventh verse he identifies himself as their shepherd, saying: "I am the fine shepherd; the fine shepherd surrenders his soul in behalf of the sheep." Then in verse sixteen he states: "I have other sheep, which are not of this fold; those also I must bring, and they will listen to my voice, and they will become one flock, one shepherd." This gathering of worshipers of Jehovah into one flock shows that it is his purpose for them to be in close association with one another.Jesus would not have likened Christians to sheep in one flock and one fold if it were not God's purpose for them to be together in an organization. His spirit is where the Fine Shepherd and the flock are. How can a person expect to continue under the influence of that spirit if he separates from the flock and seeks to live a solitary spiritual life? It is like separating a coal from a bed of coals. As the coal soon cools because of its being separated from the fire, so the spiritual flame in a dedicated servant of God will soon cool and die out when he willfully separates from the flock where Jehovah's spirit is.Regarding straying sheep, Jesus said: "What do you think? If a certain man comes to have a hundred sheep and one of them gets strayed, will he not leave the ninety-nine upon the mountains and set out on a search for the one that is straying? And if he happens to find it, I certainly tell you, he rejoices more over it than over the ninety-nine that have not strayed. Likewise it is not a desirable thing with my Father who is in heaven for one of these little ones to perish." (Matt. 18:12-14) With the flock of God's organization there is safety, but there is grave danger in straying from it.Being in the Christian flock involves more than just belief in Christian teachings. It also means contact with the organization of Jehovah's worshipers. When sheep are in a flock, they are in physical association with one another. This also is necessary with Christians. The apostle Paul made that clear when he said: "Let us consider one another to incite to love and fine works, not forsaking the gathering of ourselves together, as some have the custom, but encouraging one another, and all the more so as you behold the day drawing near." (Heb. 10:24, 25) Is not a person forsaking the gathering with dedicated worshipers of Jehovah when he tries to live a solitary spiritual life, having no physical association with the Christian flock? Jesus would not have given his illustration likening Christians to a flock of sheep if he did not believe that worshipers of Jehovah need the Christian organization.EARLY CHRISTIAN ORGANIZATIONThe apostles became the principal overseers of the early Christian organization. Those who became Christians looked to them as the channel Jehovah was using to instruct them and guide them in true worship. When there was a dispute among them, they would turn to the apostles for a decision. An instance of this was when a dispute arose in the congregation at Syrian Antioch over the question of circumcision. The congregation sent Paul and Barnabas to the headquarters of the Christian organization at Jerusalem for a decision. "But when there had occurred no little dissension and disputing by Paul and Barnabas with them [the men who were disturbing the congregation], they arranged for Paul and Barnabas and some others of them to go up to the apostles and older men in Jerusalem regarding this dispute." (Acts 15:2) There a ruling was handed down by the governing body and it was carried to all the congregations. "Now as they traveled on through the cities they would deliver to those there for observance the decrees that had been decided upon by the apostles and older men who were in Jerusalem."-Acts 16:4.The governing body of the Christian organization in the first century sent out traveling representatives who began new congregations and visited established ones. They had the authority to appoint persons to positions of oversight in the congregations so that the local organization would function smoothly and fulfill its purpose. (Acts 14:23) At 1 Timothy 3:1-13, we read some of the organizational instructions that Paul, a representative of the governing body, gave regarding overseers and ministerial servants. Thus it can be seen that the early Christians were in one fold that formed an organization. That was where they found Jehovah's spirit, and that was where they received Scriptural knowledge, good counsel, firm discipline and dependable guidance in the way that is pleasing to God.

  • Sauerkraut

    Who cares about "Old Light"? ;-) Just kidding of course. It was actually helpful to me when I found out about this a year ago. But to most JWs it will have little to no consequence, how many don't even know who Fred Franz is? To them it's simply old light.


    Sorry about my post. I just wanted to feel what it's like to copy and paste random quotes as an answer. There was NO FIRST CENTURY GOVERNING BODY!!! It is an artfully contrived unscriptural myth with the sole purpose of giving credence to the whims of human leaders.

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    There was a Governing Body in the First Century. It was called the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, and it operated by the principle of revelation. Not only did the revelations come by angels, it came by the Holy Spirit; and it directed the church not only in doctrine, but in where missionaries should be sent. These apostles all were called of God, as was Aaron, and when the church fell into apostasy, it fell from within. The JW Governing Board, on the other hand, was a group of self-appointed men who are NOT led by revelation. None has ever claimed revelation, none has ever entertained angels, heard voices or seen God. In short, who appointed them according to them?

    Manmade religions are comprised of men who appoint themselves. You can get a ministerial cetificate over the Internet and start your own church. And if you do, you'll have just as much divine authority as the Governing Body. You can have the same doctrines and eliminate the one denying blood transfusions, or you can adopt your own doctrines.

  • Pterist


  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Does anyone else notice that in both the OT and NT, God has no organization. He chooses certain people for tasks. Voils - an angel or direct revelation.Paul hss quite a bit of latitude. from the Jerusalem powers. He does.not even go to Jerusalem to be healed and learned. Scripture was loose.

  • jonahstourguide


    for sundays wt consideration re paragraphs 16 to 20


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