JWStruggle.com is finally fixed!

by RayPublisher 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • RayPublisher

    For those of you that know/care lol my website has been "frozen in amber" for about a week or more. No one could make a comment, post an article, reigster as a new user, etc. The last couple weeks have been hectic for me, although things are finally calming down now thank goodness, and I was able to make the repairs.

    So anyway, problem solved! Here's what I just posted on the main JWS blog:

    For about one week the database that runs the JWStruggle blog has been locked by my internet hosting service. When this happened no one was able to add a comment, register for a new account, or post anything whatsoever.

    I spent easily a dozen hours trying to figure this out and get it fixed, and was on the phone to tech support twice. Late yesterday my host, 1and1.com, finally rectified the problem (with some vigorous coaxing by me) and then just now I was able to update the WordPress configuration files to accept a new and improved database file so this should never ever happen again.

    The reason that the database was locked you ask? Due to the increased traffic and comments over the last month or so, the database grew so quickly it exceeded the maximum file size allotted to it, and once that mark was hit they “froze” the file so that no additions or subtractions could be made. Of course I did not know this, and so stumbled around searching for the why of the problem for quite a while! The only drawback is that due to the growing size of the new database, they told me that I will likely need to upgrade my hosting package in the near future or more problems may crop up. Eventually I may be able to do this, but right now there is no way.

    Read more at http://www.jwstruggle.com/2012/10/jws-fixed/

  • Diest

    Well at least you solved that part of your struggle.

  • whathappened

    I think it is a wonderful thing that you are doing with their time, helping others excape the grip of the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society. Thanks, I have been on your website and it's great.

  • tornapart
  • Chariklo

    Ray, you might like to look at bluehost.com

    they are brilliant at support, and to my mind the very best in cooperative and well-facilitated hosting. Have a look.

  • RayPublisher

    @Diest - LOL yep yep struggle struggle struggle

    @whathappened - TY it's very theraputic too- that's really all I had in mind when I started it a couple years ago...

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