A little laughter for today.

by jam 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jam

    Recently, when I went to McDonalds,s I saw on the menu

    that you could have an order of 6,9 or12 chicken McNuggets.

    I ask for a half dozen. "we don,t have a half dozen niggets,'

    said the teenager at the counter. You don,t? I replied. We only

    have six,nine or twelve. So I can,t order a half dozen nuggets,

    but I can order six? That,s right.

    I was checking out at the local Wal-mart with just a few items and a

    lady behind me put her things on the belt close to mine. I picked

    up one of those dividers that they keep by the register and placed

    it between our things so they wouldn,t get mixed.

    After the girl had scanned all of my items, she picked up the divider

    looking it over for the bar code so she could scan it. Not finding

    the bar code, she said to me, do you know how much this is?

    A mother calls 911 very worried asking the dispatcher if she neds

    to take her kid to the emergency room, the kid had eaten ants.

    The dispatcher tell her to give the kid some Benadryl and he

    should be fine. The mother says, I just gave him some ant killer.

    Dispatcher: Rush him to emergency right now.

  • Diest

    Last one...less funny, but I liked it.

    Stupidity can be tragic.

  • ShirleyW

    There's a KFC on a street that is a shopping area, plus a large Pentecostal Church, on Sunday this KFC's line is basically out the door, so one Sunday while shopping I was crazy enough to wait on this long line, a woman on the long line next to me, said when she finally got up to the cashier "I want a BIg Mac" (and whatever else she ordered) The cashier said "this is KFC, McDonalds is across the street on the next corner"

    HOW THE F**K do you wait on such a long line and not know where you are ? ? ?

  • jam

    shirley: so funny.


    The Ant Joke is good black humour..

    How can you not like a KFC joke?..

    MickyD over KFC..Not Likely!!..

    .......................... ...OUTLAW

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