Research survey: ExJW please Complete

by scuba 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • scuba

    My current research is to find an efficient way for mental health providers to treat ex-JWs. Please complete the survey below.

    Thanks in advance


    Click here to take survey

    or copy this to your url

  • Heaven

    Hi Steve... I checked out your survey. I don't believe it applies to me as it seems geared towards only people who have been baptized so I would not qualify (I am 'born-in but not baptized').

    In my family, our parents did not dedicate themselves until after we kids grew up and moved away. My Dad was first, getting baptized about 3 years after he retired. I believe this group's beliefs and doctrines were a large part of the reason why my mother was miserable. She had addiction issues. They both became mean spirited towards us during the 1990s. It was a tough time.

    My Mom got very sick because she chain smoked for 10 years and collapsed with COPD in the early '90s. After she couldn't smoke any more she turned to alcohol. My Dad was having problems with retirement. Being a JW actually helped him avoid drinking. But he had other issues as my Mom's health worsened.

    At any rate, just wanted to let you know I did check it out but I can't participate.

  • aposta-Z


    Please follow up with updates on your project. I am interested.

  • Ultimate Axiom
    Ultimate Axiom


    However, one of your questions needs qualification. While I did go through a brief period about a year after I left when I seriously considered returning, it did not recur, and now never will.

  • rebel8

    Cognitive behavioral therapy is the best, evidence-based technique for people like us--delivered in a nonjudgemental, non-pushy way.

    If substance abuse is being treated then it's important not to push the god stuff on a client if that increases fear in him/her, a subject which has been discussed in professional publications.

  • simon17

    FYI: Didn't read the whole thing but the very first word is a typo...

  • scuba

    Simon- Thanks for the tip...

    Rebel18 - Thanks for the insight.

    I'll make sure to keep this thread updated with results

  • whiskeysweet

    done. quite a number of typos but i see that it's dealing with anxiety and ptsd it seems.

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