I kid you not!
In yet another example of the WTBTS writers' inability to clearly articulate a coherent, consistent message, the WT Study article today compared by way of an analogy Social Networking Web Sites to "powerful medicine"!!!
11 In recent years, another type of site has become very popular—one that can be useful if used with great caution. But these sites, known as social networking Web sites, also have the potential for being destructive. They can expose a person to bad associations. (1 Cor. 15: 33) Little wonder, then, that God’s organization has issued balanced warnings about the use of such sites. Have you read all the recent material published by the faithful slave about the use of social networking sites? How unwise it would be to use such sites without reading that material! It would be like taking a powerful medicine without reading the warning label on the bottle. -w12 8/15, p. 14, para. 11
What were they thinking?!?
Anyone that's even remotely been following the WT's constant, insistent demonizing of the internet knows that this is obviously not what they meant to say, but it is nevertheless what they actually did say.
I guess when you are constantly beating the same drum (avoid the internet except of course our website) you want to appear to find ways to have some variety and something resembling logic and reasoning. When you do that, you're gonna' have a few goofs. But this one is just silly. Medicine is a good thing. How do they not get that? What a lame illustration.
The quality of WT writing gets worse and worse all the time.
If this was in a talk in the TMS I'd give the Brother a "W" in reference to fitting illustrations.