I always knew that he and his wife live in the same vicinity as I do now, (I've been in same apt for 23 years) and would occasionally see them in the neighborhood. Today I decided to go to a supermarket a few blocks away from me, but closer to where they live, so on the checkout line guess who was in front of me, I didn't say anything till we were both outside the store, he didn't recognize me of course, since the last time I saw them at the HallI I was in Junior High School. After mentioning my parents names so he would remember me it finally kicked in, I asked him if they were still associated, because so many haven't been to the KH in decades but for some reason still consider themselves JWs. He said he and his wife "walked away" in the early 80's. Wanted SO BAD to ask him how he knew he was among one of the anointed, but now that I've broken the ice, I can do that at another time. We talked about certain issues like the generational changes and 607, but two incidents he mentioned to me also aided in their walking away: His mother lived in Ohio and rented out the upper floor of her home to someone who has studied with the JDubs previously and started studying again, so of course in her eyes he was on his way to being baptized, instead this guy killed my friends mother, it even brought tears to his eyes this afternoon as he was telling me this, and yes he was convicted and serving time for this. Another thing was after I asked how his wife's sister and her husband were doing he told me that this guy asked his wife if he could separate from her for two years (not one year, but two) to see if things would work out with him with another sister in the congregation, by the way, he was an elder at the time. To some of you the above may be shocking but then to others I'm sure you have stories that would even top this !! Have to mention though, the one thing I'll never forget about the Bro. was one Sunday when he was giving the talk, he is the first person I've ever seen on the stage excuse themselves because he had to go to the bathroom !!
One of the 144,000 from my old congregation
by ShirleyW 7 Replies latest jw friends
Theocratic Sedition
Ohio had all kind of stuff goin on the 80s Lol. That dude wanting two years of seperatio is right up there with the other infamous stories from Ohio, particulary the wife swapping and orgy situation which resulted in a ton of DFings.
My pop was telling me about brothers where I'm at would have wild parties and one night they had a huge house party and in basement people were watching pornos out in the open during the party. Elders and Ministerial Servants were present. I dont think anyone could away with that kind of stuff today, but the 80s must have been something else.
Theocratic Sedition
We do have a situation right now involving people re-marrying in the family and I'll leave it that as its not my place to spread their business on here although everybody in our circuit already knows. Plus it could potentially blow my cover. We'll just say they kept it in the family.
Ohio in the 80s sounds AWESOME lol.
Ohio in the 80s sounds AWESOME lol.
What sort of books did you guys "study" at the Book Study?!
steve, live forever book is the only book that I remember.
So Miz, I guess we know what state you live in now?
Just so you know his mom relocated to Ohio from New York, I know him from the NYC Cong I grew up in.
breakfast of champions
Oh gosh, Ohio in the 80s was infamous!