They have been doing away with all the fun. First, it was the gatherings not for the purpose of field circus. This was completely phased out after roughly 1998. Only boasting sessions, field circus, and Kingdumb Hell cleanings were still allowed--they used the stupid argument that someone committed fornication (a false flag?) after an event to snuff them out.
After a while, about the beginning of 2009, the separate book study was lost. They combined that into the other evening boasting session. The excuse was high gas prices, while they batted liability issues and having pedophiles at private homes as reasons. The more likely reason was to eliminate comments that go off-topic, limiting them to reading the answers in the words of the paragraphs. A side benefit to them is that most of the fun was lost--no more goodie nights.
And now I am hearing scattered rumors that the 3-day Grand Boasting Session is going to be knocked down. While this remains to be confirmed, if true, it will eliminate the opportunities for "brothers" to meet "sisters" from outside a relatively small area. Instead, there will now be a Big Boasting Session (1 day) and two Great Boasting Sessions (2 days). That will also eliminate much of the excitement that remains for the witlesses, so they can funnel it all into the REJECT Astaroth Party (this year, March 27).