Italian Wisdom

by teenyuck 3 Replies latest social humour

  • teenyuck

    Italian Wisdom

    Angelina and Giuseppe were standing before the judge
    in divorce court.

    Angelina says: "Your honor, we benna marry 25 years
    ana Giuseppe he always picka hisa nose ana when we maka
    love he's a never letta me ona top. I just canna taka
    dis nomore."

    The judge listens solemnly then addresses Giuseppe.

    "Giuseppe, isa distrue. You always a picka your nose ana
    you never let Angelina ona top? Whatta you gotta say fora yourself?"

    Giuseppe says, "Wella your honor, itsa true. I picka
    my nose a lot ana, yeah, Angelina, I tella her she'sa
    gotta be ona da bottom. It all go'sa back to whena'
    I'ma younga boy. My poppa, he'sa very smarta man. I
    always follow ev'ryting he say.

    My poppa one day he says, "Giuseppe, I gotta tella you da
    two maina secrets of a hava successful life. "Number one,
    you always keepa' your nose clean. Ana' number two, don't fuck

  • expatbrit

    You've been emailing my grandfather again haven't you.


  • Dutchie

    Puff, funny joke!

  • chezza

    hahahahahaha, you made me laugh.

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