I'm sure I've seen such a quote.
Does anyone have the WT quote where they say the GB was only started in the 70's?
by yesidid 5 Replies latest jw friends
I don't think the WT ever really talked about the power struggle in the 70's. but Ray Franz talks about it in C of C . How the power
was taken away from Knorr (one man ) and given to a group . So from that time on they (GB) really started to govern. Before that
time they had no say . Knorr made all final decisions.
Actually that term has been used on the WT-CD back to 1950 applying to the WTS not just the first century.
The concept I think you mean is that prior to 1971, the GB was made up of the board of directors of the WTS.
*** w50 8/1 p. 232 par. 4 Servant’s Care of the Master’s Goods ***Yes, these “goods” have been placed under the jurisdiction of the anointed remnant with its legal governing body operating through the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society. No one else in the whole world has been given or made responsible for these possessions, nor given the authority to direct and handle such interests.
*** jv chap. 15 p. 228 Development of the Organization Structure ***The Society’s charter set out a shareholder arrangement in which each aggregate contribution of $10 (U.S.) entitled the contributor to a vote in connection with selection of members of the board of directors and officers of the Society. Perhaps it seemed that such contributions gave evidence of genuine interest in the work of the organization. However, this arrangement presented problems. Brother Knorr, the Society’s president, explained: “From the provisions of the Society’s charter, it would seem that the being a part of the governing body was dependent upon the contributions to the legal Society. But according to the will of God this could not be so among his true chosen people.”
*** jv chap. 15 p. 233 Development of the Organization Structure ***Arrangements were promptly put into operation to bring the organization into closer conformity to this Biblical pattern. These began with the Governing Body itself. Its membership was enlarged beyond the seven who, as members of the board of directors of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, had been serving as a governing body for Jehovah’s Witnesses. No fixed number of members for the Governing Body was set. In 1971, there were 11; for a few years, there were as many as 18; in 1992, there were 12. All of them are men anointed of God as joint heirs with Jesus Christ. The 12 serving as members of the Governing Body in 1992 had among them at that time a record of over 728 years of full-time service as ministers of Jehovah God.
This article below outlines the changes and why
w71 12/15 p. 755 A Governing Body as Different from a Legal Corporation ***
Ask anyone who was active back then. I remember the changeover and everyone thou Ght it was wonderful. It is common knowledge among us old timers.
Wasn't that the discussed endlessly at the District Convention where they kept talking about 'The Older Men'???
Thank you all for your replys, and Blondie for the quotes and for setting me straight on this.
Actually that term has been used on the WT-CD back to 1950 applying to the WTS not just the first century.