Eating right for your blood type.

by D wiltshire 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire

    Over the last 7 weeks I've been trying to follow macrobiotic and eating right accourding to my blood type.
    The results have been really good and I highly recomend it.
    My cholesteral has gone from 290 to 184 and my wieght has dropped from 200 to 172 and I eat regularly and perhaps a little more than most people.

    I will provide more info latter if I get inquiries.

    Join the Watchtower or you will die.
    Only Jehovah's Witnesses have the TRUTH all other religions EVIL and from the Devil.
    You must beleive the Watchtower or you're going to die a painful death forever, isn't that really GOOD NEWS?
  • lydia

    Where did you find the diet??


  • JBean

    I am very interested in this eating plan. Please do post more! I've been doing lots of oat brand stuff to get my cholesterol down. I'm awaiting my latest test results. But every little bit helps, right?

  • Introspection

    I believe D. is talking about the book "Eat Right 4 Your Type" by Peter D'Adamo. It looks like a good general plan, the only thing I would say is that even the author has conceded that there is further individualization for you personally, and of course that would take some careful observation on your part as far as which foods work well for you. Sometimes we just have to pay attention. (by the way, a little trick I've thought up is to eat by holding the fork in your left hand, or your right if you're left handed - for a more advanced version try something like chopsticks )

  • Robdar

    Hi D,

    Thanks for the info. I just picked up the tape at the library. I was wondering if it actually worked.

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire

    Type in "Eat right 4 your type" title in your search engine.
    It was written by Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo, he has a web sight you should be able to find it and the book only cost about $15.00 US.

    This diet is very good, if you stick to it you WILL BE much more healthy.

    You can also get a blood typeing kit for only $10. on the internet.

    Join the Watchtower or you will die.
    Only Jehovah's Witnesses have the TRUTH all other religions EVIL and from the Devil.
    You must beleive the Watchtower or you're going to die a painful death forever, isn't that really GOOD NEWS?
  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire

    High cholesteral is not caused by eating a high fat diet ONLY, but by eating foods such as wheat in certain blood types that cause the liver to produce too much cholesreral.

    Join the Watchtower or you will die.
    Only Jehovah's Witnesses have the TRUTH all other religions EVIL and from the Devil.
    You must beleive the Watchtower or you're going to die a painful death forever, isn't that really GOOD NEWS?
  • Seeker4

    My wife was on this diet for a while. I thought it was interesting, as the premise is your blood type is determined by evolution, and your particular branch of the human family might be better evolved for meats, grains, vegetables, etc.

    My wife is an active Witness, I'm now an evolutionist. I just had to point out to her that the diet she was on was premised on evolution, a theory she is required to reject as a JW!


  • Will Power
    Will Power

    How did all these different blood types come about if we all came from 1 man/woman??

    Is one more sacred that another??

    Is there any difference between animal blood and human blood?
    Which blood did Jehovah like best in the old sacrifices?

    Diet sounds interesting. I must check it out! Thanks.

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