In anticipation of the confusion and fallout of the nu-lite revealed at the annual meeting, the Faithful slave has formed a new committee to assist right-hearted ones. Many Bothams died to make this information available.
Ecouragement ( enforcement )
This committee will have the privilege/ responsibility of assisting meek ones who have questionings concerning their future hope, as to whether it is heavenly or earthly. ( Galatians 6:1 ) The Brothers investigating the matter should take care to treat all with tenderness in accord with Christ's example. Never would we want to give the impession of judging our brothers as that task is assigned to the head of the Christian Congregation. ( John 5:22 ) Neither should we minimize the need for kind, loving assistance towards the sheep who may be weak or ailing. Shepherds in ancient times routinely inspected their sheep individually for injury or sickness that could potentially affect the flock. How those sheep benefitted from the loving and timely inspections from the " fine shepherd "! ( John 10:14 ) Shepherds today likewise inspect the individual members of the flock for potential injuries or sickness that could rob them of joy, and possibly affect other sheep causing much heartache and potentially affecting thier worship. ( Deut 15:21 ) Shepherds should make themselves readily available to assist these potentially ailing ones, figuratively greasing them with oil, lovingly assisting them with being content with thier place in God's Organization. ( James 5:14 , Rom 12:4 , )
Elders should refer to the Shepherd the Flock of God ( ks10-E) publication, as well as any correspondence from the Branch Overseer prior to meeting with a weak or ailing member of the flock. It would also be appropriaye to prayerfully consider chapter 4 " Assisting those who are weak " from the ks10-E provided by the Faithful and Discreet Slave. ( Matthew 24:45 ) Two or more brothers would cordially invite the ailing one to meet as soon as possible. Extenuating circumstances such as emotional issues or problems with prescription medication may prevent such one from meeting at the Local Congregation. Elders should prompty and lovingly suggest a meeting in the home of the ailing or confused one. If the Elders involved with the initial meeting deem it necessary, another meeting may be arranged consisting of the original two Brothers and perhaps two or three additional Elders. The Circuit or District Overseer may dictate the number of Elders needed for the meeting based on congregational records and the testimony of the Local Body of Elders. ( Matthew 18:16 , Deut 19:15 ) If the Elders determine a pattern of spiritual sickness is evident, then loving care should be exercised. Repeated efforts should be made to help the depressed or emotionally unbalanced one to heal and come to the spiritually refreshing pastures within God' Organization. Perhaps alleviating the weakend one of responsibilities within the congregation will provide much needed rest and aid in the healing process. Loving Shepherd would remind the precious sheep that thier privilege of field service and monetary contributions are still open to them, as thier heavenly Father values thier integrity and loyalty even in trying times. ( Romans 8:38,39) Yes there are many fine opportunities for supporting God's visible Organization that bring rich blessing to those who serve whole-heartedly in the interests of the visible representatives of Jehovah the great Spiritual Physician! Surely that is cause for much joy despite any limitations imposed upon our ailing brothers due to depression, economic reversals, prescription medications, or confusion over spirituall matters that may be difficult to grasp through ' Bible reading '. ( Duet 28:2 ) The provision of Shepherds are truly appreciated as " gifts in men " for protecting the earthly interests of the Faithful Slave. These shepherds shine as beacons of refreshing light in these spiritually bedarkened times ( Rev 2:1)
Sady some proudly refuse spiritual healing from God's organization. The may insist on thier own preferences and rights instead of cultivating a spirit of mildness. ( Phil 2:3 , Heb 13:17 ) This attitutude of idependent thinking has been present since Satan the Devil seduced the first human pair to think independently of God's Organization. ( Gen 3:1 ) Many modern day servants have been seduced by " rebellious talk ". Instead of safeguarding their mind and heart, they have been poisoned bt the " air " of this wicked system. Like Korah and other thankless ones, the seek their own glory and the temporary enjoyment of sin, giving no heed to the counsel of God's duly appointed channel of salvation. These apostate thinkers are mentally diseased, and their spiritual gangrene can endanger the entire flock. Such" brazen conduct" should be dealt with swiftly to ensure the safety of God's organization. Onlookers must see that God's Organization tolerates no rivalry to Jehovah and his Faithful Slave. This will also lovingly assure others that their spiritual life is of the utmost concern to the Faihful slave, and that " justice " is present at the " gates " of God's spirit-directed and appointed shepherds. ( Jude 11, Eph 2:2, Matthew 24:45, Lev 19:15) Please refer to Chapter 5 of the ks10-E publication for procudeural guidance to ensure that " all things take place decently and by arrangement ", in accord with the direction from God's visible channel for salvation. ( 1 Cor 14:40 ) it should be emphasized to the doubting or erring one that our Heavenly Father is eager to forgive truly repentant ones. Elders should refer to chapter 11 of the ks10-E " Shepherd " book for re-instatement procedures. Like a loving Father he seeks to reconcile with those who will humble admit their errors, and seek divine guidance from the Faithful Slave and bible-based publications. Every effort should be made to periodically check on those who must be removed from the Congregation. In time the loving manner in which they were treated may be a determining factor in moving them to true repentance. Surely such loving coordinated efforts on the part of Christian Shepherds does not go unnoticed by the Faithful Slave. They appreciate your loyalty to the Supreme Dignitary, Jehovah God, and his duly appointed spirit-directed, true channel of Salvation under the loving direction of the Faithful and Discreet Slave.
Please be assured of our Christian love and Support,
The Faithful and Discreet Slave