Until the official WTS study article is out, all we can do is speculate away, kinda like a good mind bending game. However, they are going to have a lot of explaining to do......
I was wondering what prompted this change, but after reading this on Wiki.... (highlighted is mine) the entire article is damning, making them out to be liars. I gather they recieved enough letters from the annointed regarding the WTS claims perhaps.....?
The "faithful and discreet slave" is the term used by Jehovah's Witnesses to describe the collective body of "anointed" Christians alive on earth who expect to ascend to heaven at death. Nearly 12,000 Jehovah's Witnesses profess to be members of this "remnant" of the 144ooo 144,000. [ 1 ] [ 2 ] Jehovah's Witnesses believe in all matters this group exercises teaching authority pertaining to doctrine and articles of faith, [ 3 ] [ 4 ] although the religion maintains no network of anointed Witnesses. [5]
The "faithful and discreet slave" is described as a "class" of Christians that operates under the direct control of Jesus Christ [ 1 ] and has been delegated the task of "feeding" Christians with scriptural instruction and exercising direction over their interests and affairs. [ 6 ] The concept is a central doctrine of Jehovah's Witnesses' system of belief [ 7 ] and is based on their interpretation of the Parable of the Faithful Servant in Matthew24:45–47.
The doctrine was originated by Watch Tower Society founder Charles Taze Russell, who in 1881 first applied it to the "church"—the "little flock" of 144,000 who would go to heaven—but five years later explained that it was an individual who would act as a sole "channel" or agent for Christ, dispensing "food", or new truths, for God's "household". [ 8 ] Many Bible Students identified Russell as that "servant"; the Watch Tower Society rejected the view in 1927. [ 9 ]
Since the WTS depend heavily on the annointed class for their generation doctrine....certainly will be interesting seeing how it all unfolds....
In 2008 the "generation" teaching was again altered, and the term was used to refer to the "anointed" believers, some of whom would still be alive on earth when the great tribulation begins. [ 179 ] This was a return to a belief previously held between 1927 [ 180 ] and 1950 when the teaching of the "generation of 1914" not passing away was adopted. [ 181 ]
In 2010, the teaching of the "generation" was modified again, to refer to a new generation of "anointed" whose lives "overlap" with "the anointed who were on hand when the sign began to become evident in 1914." [ 182 ]