WT goes from 32 to 16 pages for the public in July of 2013?
by Elizabeth123 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I thought it was January 2013' but I may be wrong.
It means smaller field circus bags. You can now fit double the number of rags in the same size pockets--if you are working with field circus bags with pockets designed to hold 4-5 rags, they will now hold 8-10 rags per pocket. Of course, the "suggested" donations will not go down--if they donated a toilet paper a rag before, they will still donate a toilet paper a rag now and fatten the profit.
It also means less choice of articles to feature. I remember when I was in--if I didn't like an article (too difficult to present, or it went against what I believed), I could find another. Each rag would have 3 usable articles, plus there were 2 rags twice a month. A bad set of rags would go out of date in 2 weeks, so I could look forward to a better placement next half month. Now, if you find a bad article (one that could be used against you or is too difficult to present to the public and make any sense), you are stuck with it and stuck with it for a whole month. Don't like the "No fornication" article? You are stuck with it until the end of the month, not just until the 15th with a backup article.
Gotta cut costs somehow. Of course the JW's will just eat up some crap the WT spews about why its a sign of progression.
moggy lover
I heard that the change was effective from January 2013 as well.
St George of England
It is in fact from January 1st 2013, the Public WT and the Awake magazine go to 16 pages.
We had a letter to say that these will be shipped with two magazines together, that is one WT inside another in a similar way the the Kingdom Ministry's. Thus they can only be ordered in even numbers, single issues will not be delivereed.
There is also an item in December Kingdom Ministry showing how to access the additional articles on jw.org
When will the WT and A! be 1 page each ? My guess is 8p each by 2015., with the A! disappearing in 2016.