1799,1878,1914 etc WATCHTOWER COVER UP image - use freely!
by biblecheck 4 Replies latest watchtower scandals
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love it but never saw a JW wearing a clergyman's dog collar. Whats the original look like and where's it from? I seem to remember this from my childhood.
I was also wondering what Awake issue it was from and what was being swept under the carpet in the original version.
It's actually from a 1974 Watchtower, (Hi jwfacts - yes I originally thought it was an old Awake! article too).
The image is found at the bottom of the article entitled "Can You Be True To God - Yet Hide The Facts?" - when you read the article it really is a case of the "pot calling the kettle black" in its accusation of the clergy white-washing wrongdoing.
The article starts off by saying (quote) "What results when a lie is let go unchallenged? Does not silence help the lie to pass as truth, to have freer sway to influence many, perhaps to their serious harm?....God's servants in every period...have had to expose falsehood and wrongdoing and warn people of dangers and deception - not just in a general way but in a specific way in the interest of pure worship. They realized that better is revealed reproof than a concealed love."
However it's interesting to observe how sensitive even litigiuous The Watchtower gets when their own lies are challenged or exposed.
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Materialism = WT is a multi billion dollar international property development corporation with many JW's in the western world driving the lastest model cars, but who never spend a penny on the starving, orphaned or diseased.
Fraud & cheating = Numerous revisions and redactions of WT's mistakes and presumptous predictions in their publications. Bible abusing 'make it up as you go along' new light such as the ludicrous "overlapping generations" teaching.
Immorality = Just like the Catholic church, rampant paedophile problem covered up, including multi-million dollar payouts to victims.
Disregard for Bible standards = Hypocritical ad hoc policies that go well beyond Bible principles and apostolic directions, eg, disfellowshipping for smoking but never for gluttony, knocking on strangers doors while shunning family members, preferring children die rather than authorise a life saving blood transfusion.