Here is exposing the big lie on a governing body in early christian times.
The WT use Act 15:1-30 to support that Paul himself went to a governing body in Jerusalem and after they agreed on the circumsion issue, they give Pual an assignment, showing they were controlling everything. And if you only read Acts 15:1-30 you might come to that conclusion as well.
Well, here is the truth........
If you read vs 31 to 41, the REST of the chapter, you'll find out that everything in context......Paul heard about the teaching that circumsision was required and knew it was wrong. Since he knew that he and the apostles in Jerusalem were all on the same team, the message should be the same. So he goes to Jerusalem to settle it. It's discovered that false brothers had snuck in and tried to bind others consciences and start having people obey law again. (Like the GB of the WT).
Paul helped clear it up, that Jesus sacrifice is pointless if they STILL have to do those things. So after that they all agreed that the only restrictions would be what they put in vs 29. Since Paul had helped them correct that, they wanted him to go to THEIR congregations to help explain this correction. So he does that, when you read the entire rest of Acts chapter 15, once he is finished, does he go back to Jerusalem for new orders?
Nope..."after some days Paul said to Barnabas: "Let us return and visit the brothers in every one of the cities in which we published the word of Jehovah (JW bible but others would say the Lord) to see how they are."
Infact, if today you were speaking to Paul and insisted that he took orders from a governing body, this is what he would say, he actually addresses that, in Gal 1:11 - 2:21. If you asked him he would say, "Absolutely not, and let me tell you something, the good news is not something human, NO PERSON taught me. It was revealed to me. And when I learned it, I DID NOT run to Jerusalem, but I began my assignment. I was in Jerusalem 3 years later and met Cephas but I did not consult or meet with any of the other apostles and I never went to any of their congregations.
It was FOURTEEN YEARS LATER when I first met with the other apostles and ONLY because false ones had seen our freedom, false brothers who tried to ensnare them. So I went there to settle the matter so that all of our witnessing is in harmony and agreement.
So Paul made it clear, anointed as the WT says do not need human teachers.
1 John 2:27 says how the anointing you receive teaches you and you do not need anybody to be teaching you
Jesus said in John 16:13 how the spirit of truth will teach you.
He also gave the parable of the father feeding birds and how much more would he give holy spirit to any asking him and not a scorpion, etc. Look up all versions of that parable, one of them says food I think the other says holy spirit.
There are problems and corruptions in many parts of the bible. He can help to guide your path.
In Is 30:19-21 - when you seek him out and trust him he will guide you, HE will direct you. (not another human)
Many scriptures talking about the last days and end how the shepherds have been leading astray and how HE would gather his sheep and HE would instruct them since they have failed to do so.
James 1:5-7 brings out if you feel you lack in Godly wisdom, pray for it and have no doubt you will receive it, if you doubt it, then you won't get any.
So one thing that has been in harmony w/ the whole bible is that in the last days human leaders have been lying, corrupt, leading all astray, and the only chance is trusting that the true creator, (my prayers are not saying specific names anymore or I try not to because impossible to know now). So there is much I still do not know, but with what I do know and have learned, I have full trust the true one is helping me, it's just as described. It does not mean every single word and aspect in the bible is true or not a change or corruption, and since this as Paul said is not a human thing, it's very hard to describe, but those who have got our or getting out and need help, think about these things and give it a try. It's your only chance.
O I almost forgot the most important part, so WHO IS THE FAITHFUL AND DISCREET SLAVE THEN????
Read lukes description of it Luke 13:41-48. You'll see there is a faithful slave, evil slave, slave who knew what he was supposed to do and didn't so will get many lashes, and the slave who did not know what she was supposed to do so even though he deserves many lashes will get few.
So 4 slaves.......and if you read Luke 19:11-23 you see how one slave is given 10 cities, another 5, and another nothing, and no slave told them what to do, they each went out on their own.
So the faithful and discreet slave is a parable in Luke 13, showing 4 categories all anointed would fall under at the time of their death or when the end comes. Luke 19 shows each being given something and depending what they do with it depends on what reward they get.
True ones guided by holy spirit work directly with that and all over the world the true body of christ would work in harmony. Nobody reports to a central human command center.
Even in Pauls time.....everybody was NOT anointed either (I only say annointed but many different terms as well)......
Phillipians 3:12-16 make it clear that even in that time there was a HIGHER CALLING. Paul was reaching out for the HIGHER CALLING. So be aware of that, sometimes things you read may be applying to the higher calling or just for everybody in general.
In all the scriptures up to the end, there is NOT a religion to go to, only groups or scattered individuals, etc, who are truly following the scriptures and trying to do what's right. It seems everytime it gets too big, eventually corruption takes over. Paul constantly warned about this and about them accepting things without being unreasonable and checking all the scriptures. Do not ever full trust somebody, even if in the beginning everything seems the truth. They can become corrupt later, or just tiny little things can be wrong.
Hope this helps some.