Governing Body = Enron

by WuzLovesDubs 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • WuzLovesDubs

    Sorry I cant seem to get rid of the false start topic :smile: This sudden decision by the GB to elevate themselves to the right hand of God and in essence DEMOTE the entire rest of the remnant reminds me of what the executives of Enron did to its employees, yanking their retirement and benefits and jobs out from under them and floating off into the sunset with their golden parachutes. Never giving a flying f*ck about anybody but themselves or the repercussions of their decisions and greed on anybody else. They only did this because they got tired of getting letters asking "if the remant are ALL in the faithful slave class, and the fsc writes the watchtower why arent any of the rest of the remnant asked to write articles and why arent they polled if they all are spirit infused by Jehovah?

    Id be VERRRRRY upset if I was of the annointed.


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