Someone on JWN posted a link from the Annointed Witnesses site which I've been following Within the past couple days an important question regarding WTS was asked below: (underline mine)
On October 8, 2012, we received the following comment and inquiries regarding the previous response (10/7/12-2):
Inquiry: “Many thanks for the link to your well-considered response. However, it doesn't appear to answer my direct question, which is are you disappointed by the news or not? Do you consider yourselves personally to be of the Faithful and Discreet Slave class mentioned in the scriptures (which many view as a parable) regardless of what the Governing Body says?
“It's difficult to read your response without detecting a degree of cynicism towards the Governing Body, but you don't give any clear answer as to whether you reject this new understanding (as it has been reported to you) or not.
“I understand your desire for diplomacy, but if you could be a little more transparent, I would appreciate it. ”
To the author, we understand your desire for a more direct response. Since we understand that you will be posting our response to your website, we wanted to make sure our brothers who visit us here will have this information. So, here are our further responses to your inquiries:
You asked: Are you disappointed by the news or not?
We are unaffected by the “new light.” At best, it is a red herring that would serve no purpose other than to distract our brothers from focusing on the true Good News – that we are all sons of God with a heavenly destiny. (Galatians 3:26; Philippians 3:20) What would disappoint us is if this “new light” discouraged our brothers and caused them to back away from the Father or their heavenly hope based on the “commands of men.” (Matthew 15:9)
You asked: Do you consider yourselves personally to be of the Faithful and Discreet Slave class mentioned in the scriptures (which many view as a parable) regardless of what the Governing Body says?
We are among those who believe Matthew 24:45-47 is a parable, not a prophecy. See Questions and Response 5/1/12 and Questions and Response 8/19/12. Nevertheless, we ALL should be seeking to prove ourselves faithful and discreet, as the parable suggests. To us, it is a personal invitation to ALL.
You wrote: I understand your desire for diplomacy, but if you could be a little more transparent?
Our response to this “new light” is diplomatic on purpose. Whenever a son of God defends his hope, he must do so “with a mild temper and deep respect.” (1 Peter 3:15) This is so that we will be honoring our Father and the Christ, not necessarily men.
As our website states: “Our purpose is to build up the spiritual house of anointed brothers and sisters in order for them to become sources of encouragement and spiritual lights to the congregations with which they are associated,” and to “uplift the spiritual conversation throughout the world.” (SeeAbout Us.) Our mission has not changed. And this “new light” has no bearing on that work.
We want our brothers to understand that this is, at best, smoke and mirrors. No cause for alarm. We do believe, however, that if our brothers “rise up” in opposition to this “new light,” ‘their blows will be as striking the wind’ (1 Corinthians 9:26), and will only delay the work of the Spirit of Truth in their lives. We will do our very best to prevent such an effect.
The bottom line is that Jesus commissioned all of his followers to be ambassadors of the kingdom, completing the work that he started. (2 Corinthians 4:18-20; Matthew 28:19-20) We doubt the Governing Body will declare that they are the only ones authorized to act as Christ’s ambassadors. So there is no need for worry.
Finally, to all who are concerned, we want to remind you, we are sons, not slaves.
We hope this sufficiently responds to the author’s inquiry.