When I am at the real Great Tribulation, I am going to have major regrets that I dedicated my one and only soul to Jehovah, rendering it unavailable to dedicate to Satan at a later time once I found out that Satan is the real Savior and Jehovah a tyrant. For sure, I am not going to regret not pious-sneering, nor am I going to regret not going to Beth Hell.
Also, what happens when you regret not working more secular time instead of doing field circus? This is not the time to cut back on secular work simply so you can do more for the soul vampire Jehovah. Rather, you need to use whatever little time is left to prepare for a whopper of an energy crisis (worse than 1973), along with hyperinflation. Do you have contingency plans for when gas becomes scarce? And, if you had problems getting supplies the last time the lights went out (or you are relying on a generator which requires fuel, which will become scarce), you need to secure batteries (preferably those low self-discharge NiMH batteries) and chargers, along with good flashlights and lanterns that use them. And silver and gold. Never mind cutting back for Jehovah--is Jehovah going to give you the flashlights and batteries, or supply you with silver and gold when your dollars become worthless as toilet paper? Or, is he going to simply let you flounder while laughing at you as you prove faithful to that traitor?
And are the hounders REALLY looking out for your best interests? Or, are they enforcing your damnation? If they are continually hounding you for things that matter little or to do more for Jehovah, they are only serving you damnation. And they screw up all the time. Even honest mistakes become more serious when you are required to abide by them. And many hounders these days are insistent that you give up everything. They make extra rules that are stupid. They are responsible for spreading rules like no colored shirts, no beards, and rules against basic things like investing in precious metals. You are supposed to obey someone that is insistent that you give up your work and pious-sneer these days? You are supposed to obey someone that probably resembles the Pharisees more than they resemble even regular church leaders? What good is it for you to get rid of precious metals at a time like now?