Have The Governing Body Rebelled Against The "Anointed Of Jehovah"? (Questions For Those Still In)

by DT 7 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • DT

    It has been the understanding for decades that Jehovah was using the group of anointed on Earth to provide for his sheep. They even changed the baptism questions to indicate acceptance of this arrangement. Many have been disfellowshipped (AKA spiritually executed) for failing to fully support this arrangement. This theocratic arrangement found its way into countless prayers and became an integral part of the publications, prophecies and doctrinal understanding of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Now the Governing Body is claiming that Jehovah's Witnesses have pledged their loyalty to the wrong group of people all these years! They have withdrawn their support of the anointed as a group and have arbitrarily declared themselves the Faithful And Discreet Slave.

    In the Bible, rebelling against the "Anointed of Jehovah" is a very serious offense.

    Consider what the Watchtower magazine has said earlier this year (4/15/2012 pages 9,10):

    "What have we learned from these warning examples? Absalom and Judas both met a shameful end because of their having turned traitor against the anointed of Jehovah. (2 Sam. 18:9, 14-17; Acts 1:18-20) Delilah's name will forever be associated with treachery and feigned love. (Ps. 119:158) How vital it is that we reject any tendency we may have toward blind ambition or greed, which would cause us to lose Jehovah's favor! Could any lessons be more powerful to help us reject the loathsome trait of disloyalty?"

    Now the Governing Body have rebelled against the anointed that Jehovah's Witnesses were expected to show loyalty to for decades.

    For those still in:

    It's no longer possible to show loyalty to both the Governing Body and the anointed on Earth. It can only be one or the other or neither. Doing nothing is the same as accepting the Governing Body and rejecting the direction of the anointed remnant.

    What will you do?

    If you decide that you were showing loyalty to the wrong group all these years. What will you do to try to atone for your error?

    If you lived in the time of King David, would you have remained loyal to him or accepted the leadership of Absalom? What will you do now that a similar power grab has taken place?

    This is not just "new light". The anointed on Earth, who you have been following all these years, were not consulted about this. Neither have they approved this change.

    What if this coup by the Governing Body meets the same demise as the rebellion of Absalom? Where does you loyalty lie?

  • Lozhasleft

    Great post.

    Loz x

  • minimus

    You know, I feel bad for all those spirit anointed ones that had their heavenly calling and believed until the end that they were of the faithful and discreet slave class.

    Imagine ever telling an elder that they thought the FDS was only the GB. That would've gotten them bounced for APOSTASY!

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    I think 'rebellion' is a bit dramatic, its more a case of the power-hungry, control-freak GB "lording it over God's inheritance" (1 Peter 5:3), and being guilty of being "discreet in their own eyes" (Rom 12:25). I mean the whole idea of the parable is: "Who really is the faithful and discreet slave...??" If the parable is in fact a prophecy that is fulfilled in modern times since 1919 then Christ's question logically cannot be answered until Christ arrives in the future.

    Despite all this, the power-hungry, arrogant GB have made it clear that they are determined to "rule as kings without us" (1 Cor 4:8) and will start beating any fellow slaves who don't recognise their authority.

  • DT

    I think it is interesting that Jehovah's Witnesses are now divided on one of their core teachings. A small portion have shifted their loyalties to the Governing Body while most of them have no idea of what is happening.

    I think it would be appropriate to call this new group of Governing Body loyalists the "Absalom Class". The parallels are just too striking. Those who still accept the leadership of the anointed could be called the "David Class".

    I almost wish some Jehovah's Witnesses would knock on my door so I could ask them which group they belong to.

  • Emery

    I'm pretty sure E-Watchman's head exploded when he got word of this.

  • Badfish

    It's no longer possible to show loyalty to both the Governing Body and the anointed on Earth. It can only be one or the other or neither. Doing nothing is the same as accepting the Governing Body and rejecting the direction of the anointed remnant.

    What about showing loyalty to God instead of men?

    " In answer Peter and the [other] apostles said: “We must obey God as ruler rather than men. " (Acts 5:29)

    "It is better to take refuge in Jehovah Than to trust in earthling man." (Psalm 118:8)

    "Do not put YOUR trust in nobles, Nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation belongs." (Psalm 146:3)

    "For YOUR own sakes, hold off from the earthling man, whose breath is in his nostrils, for on what basis is he himself to be taken into account?" (Isaiah 2:22)

  • DT


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