So now the GB says they get letters from the annointed to direct them? I've know severa self proclaimed annointed persons and they never wrote to the society. Could someone lay it out simply and clearly? Thank you ahead of time.
Somebody help me out here please
by dog is god 9 Replies latest watchtower bible
You need to read Crisis of Conscience and then come back to us. You'll find the answer to that question there.
I was lead to belive by my Bible Study conducter that this was how it worked, that God would reveal to the annointed his will, when the GB got some New Light from many differant annointed, they acted on and adopted it.
I now belive this has never been the case, read Ray Franzs books, you will more likely find any annointed that write to the GB offering New Light will be disfellowshiped for apostacy.
dog-is-god So now the GB says they get letters from the annointed to direct them?
Where'd you hear that?!?
I suspect that letters from the "anointed" end up in the same circular file as genuine "letters from readers."
From this disinterested observer's point of view, the anointed as part of the corporate "faithful and discreet slave" could provide direction to the GB, under the old light. How this worked out in practice was never very clear.
New light, just revealed, is that the "faithful and discreet slave" resides only in headquarters, and only when a few of those most priveleged are all in the same room. Now it is quite clear. Governance by committee.
jgnat, concisely put!
dog is god
jgnat, thank you.
ding: did that several times and the Branch (not brooklyn) replied " ---mind your own business---" writing was my business. what is theirs? stopping the "steadiers of the ark" i guess. blessings: of the tribe of joseph
Captain Obvious
I believe if any of the anointed were to do that, they would get a talking to about "keeping in step with jehovahs organization".
Ugh, can't even type that without feeling sick.