"Spare the rod, spoil the child" - man points to bible after killing son

by cedars 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cedars

    Check out the article on the following link:


    Man points to Bible over killing 5-month-old son

    by wsbtv.com posted on October 14, 2012 03:07PM GMT
    Thanks to MilkyWay for the link!

    A DeKalb County father is blaming the Bible after he killed his five-month-old son. Benjamin Edetanlen was sentenced to 18 years in prison Wednesday.

    Benjamin Edetanlen was sentenced to 18 years in prison Wednesday after beating his 5-month-old son to death.

    Edetanlen said Proverbs: 13 taught him "Spare the rod. Spoil the child." But prosecutors said he went too far and his discipline ended his 5-month-old child's life.

    Right after the judge sentenced Edetanlen he walked by Channel 2's camera and smiled.

    Prosecutors said what happened in his home in 2004 was no laughing matter.

    DeKalb County assistant DA Dalia Racine said Edetanlen beat his 5-month-old, his 2-year-old daughter and another 1-year-old son, using the Bible to justify it.

    "The defendant stated that he disciplined the children according to the book of Proverbs in the bible," Racine argued in court.

    Prosecutors said the baby died from blunt force trauma. He had brain injuries and a broken leg.

    Edetanlen's attorney said he loves his children and was trying to discipline them according to scripture.


  • blondie

    Worth looking up the story of jws Larry and Constance Slack of Chicago and how they beat their daughter Laree to death.

  • ziddina

    I suspect that he won't be smiling for very long.

    Prisons are filled with rough men, but I don't think there are many men, even in prison, who'd respect a man who beats his own infant son to death.

  • rebel8

    Proverbs 23:13

    Do not withhold discipline from a child; if you punish him with the rod, he will not die.

  • nuthouse escapee
    nuthouse escapee

    That is so sad. Some people should never be parents. - Leslie-

  • creativhoney

    I wish hell existed and that witness couple could burn in it forever

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