What issue might effect changes to the GB of Jehovahs Witnesses

by barry 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • barry

    It would have to be a grass roots issue and something that questions their authority for ever .

    An non doctrinal issue may catch the GB by supprise.

    Many issues have allready been resolved in a very dramatic way slavery is now not a problem, women have the vote and we are taught to respect minority groups.

    On the other hand what about a grass roots issue by Jehovahs Witnesses to accept womens ordination of elders. Other churches such as the Anglicans now have women ordained to the ministry the Adventists have had women pastors commissioned for a while now and have just voted in some unions to have women ordained to give women the same rights as men.

    I just wondered what your thoughts are on this?



  • Ding

    I can't see it happening.

    The WTS is a top down organization.

    The vast majority of R & F JWs never question the leaders even privately, and if they do, they've learned to keep their thoughts to themselves.

  • blondie

    A grassroots movement would result in all identifiable participants being kicked out unless they beg to be allowed to remain.

    I have seen 2 congregations in my career as a jw send in a petition to the WTS; both were dissolved and the members were df'd.

    From the top down I can see money/cash from the rank and file being an issue. Will that lead to gradual changes in what is "asked" from from the congregations may lead to changes in what is "requested."

  • hoser


    "I have seen 2 congregations in my career as a jw send in a petition to the WTS; both were dissolved and the members were df'd."

    Were the entire congregations df'd or just the dissenters? seems kind of harsh to me


  • grumblecakes

    yes, and what were they petitioning?

  • grumblecakes

    oh, and i just ask because it sounds like an interesting story (i hope i didnt sound incredulous).

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