A Secular wts

by mtwtf 3 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • mtwtf

    A Secular WTS?My Venting #4


    Perhaps I’m jumping at shadows, but from the reports of doctrinal changes coming out of the 2012 wts Annual Meeting, it looks very much to me like the GB is revisiting something it started much earlier.

    In the 1970’s (or was it the 1980’s?), the GB took what I interpreted at the time, to be the first step to abdicating its role of oversight of the Masters household. That was when non-anointed Bethelites (Nethinim) were appointed to positions of responsibility immediately under the oversight of the GB. This paved the way for non-anointed JW to participate in work which, scripturally, was the province of anointed brothers. That move was abandoned after a few years.

    From my present standpoint, the GB seems now to be following another route to pass the reins of control of God’s household to non-anointed JW. It as if this goal will be achieved by a simple, yet audacious redefinition of the term FDS. If I understand it correctly, the term FDS now includes certain non-anointed Bethelites. By this means, men have (are) being inducted into the FDS, although Jehovah has not chosen to anoint them. Does the GB seriously believe it has authority to expand membership of God’s household this way?

    By setting this new direction, the GB has turned its back on the pool of faithful anointed brothers which God had already chosen to be part of his household as sons. Instead of maintaining any semblance of relationship with the worldwide body of anointed, the GB has consistently shunned them and repeatedly described them as mentally deficient, self-seeking individuals.

    [OK. Let’s face it: all who claim to be anointed, whether now or in the past, have been regarded as “unusual”. The same things were said about the ancient prophets. According to one researcher the ancient prophets were honest and sane, but misguided. http://philosophynow.org/issues/91/Hallucinatory_Experience_and_Religion_Formation ]

    I see the proposed changes, more as an acknowledgement of what has already occurred, rather than the announcement of something new. Now the secret is out, the changeover can move on quickly. How long it will take for the complete secularization of the wts remains to be seen. Then again a secular GB could hardly do a worse job than the anointed GB. My tip is that secularization will bring greater emphasis on legalities, finance, image promotion and of course, growth.

    The GB as we knew it, is being painting out of the picture.



    Why would the GB want to abdicate its role as manager of God’s household?

    There is a whole raft of possible reasons.

    Is the FDS actually the Evil Slave? Some may think so.

    Is it because the GB cannot handle the work load? None of the GB has been a career CEO, administrator, director, or manager. None of them are even remotely equipped for the task. What about Holy Spirit? Doesn’t HS guide the GB to reach decisions that honor Jehovah and Jesus and bring blessing to all dubs? Apparently not. Things are not going anywhere near as planned.

    Is it because acceptable (genuine and sane) anointed replacements for the GB are no longer available? Hence, others have to be groomed to take over when they die. GB doubt that God could raise up suitable replacements demonstrates lack of faith.

    Could it be necessary to stave off a revolt from senior Bethelites, who have worked all these years for little or no recognition / reward? Without a worthwhile career path ahead of them they might reasonably feel they should quit.

    Could it simply be because Bethelites have proved themselves more capable (even if less spiritual) than the GB (educated vs uneducated) and have exercised de-facto command of the wts for the past 30 years? If so, 2012 might have been judged as the time for the GB to quit the pretense and move out of the way.


    How far off track are these gripes?


  • Vidiot

    Not a snowball's chance in Hell.

  • Phizzy

    I think the GB have long been only the "Figurehead" , ( I know on a ship this was usually a busty lady dressed in a risque fashion, but who knows how they dress in private ?) (Ugh, just had a horrible vision of David Splane in fishnet stockings), the Ship that is the WT Publishing and Real Estate empire has long been steered by the boys in the backrooms.

    The GB have no real power, and no real ideas of their own I would wager, they are simply their for the R&F JW's to worship.

    I think they will remain as the official leaders for some time, in fact until it becomes necessary that they become the public fall guys who take the blame for all the past errors , deceit and murders.

  • Vidiot
    Phizzy - "I think they will remain as the official leaders for some time, in fact until it becomes necessary that they become the public fall guys who take the blame for all the past errors , deceit and murders."

    The Legal Dept's long game, maybe? Sell 'em up the river when the Feds come knockin'?

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