Have any of you come across this site before? And if you have, what are your thoughts?
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by MisfitMeL 5 Replies latest jw friends
Delusional. Still trapped in the mental delusion that the WT has anything to do with crazy prophecy.
He seems to be letting witnesses know that "the Watchtower Society was registered with the United Nations as an NGO." There are probably still some witnesses out there that dont know about this and it's a good way for them to start researching their leaders.
It is typical of JW reasoning, fill with rhetorical fallacies. Unfortunately, JWs are used to poor logic and many think the site is great, often pointing others to it online.
I have deconstructed the UN article at Expose of Jehovah's Judgement.
Bwahahahah!!! They also have a section dedicated to 607 BCE!!! http://www.jehovahsjudgment.co.uk/607/
So, Jehovah's Witnesses will not accept secular chronology when it contradicts the Bible.
This sums up their stupidity. I prefer to become a creationist instead. LOL.