Comments You Will Not Hear at the 10-14-2012 WT Study (AUGUST 15, 2012, pages 20-24)(DEVIL’S SNARES)
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“Come . . . out from the snare of the Devil.”
—2 TIM. 2:26.
Where do these snares originate? Who has more access to jws, people inside or outside their congregations? Who has more access and influence?
Uncontrolled speech at home, parents fighting, yelling at their children, yelling at the elders meetings (yes, yes, imagine that, but then there are the elders who speak bad to other elders behind their backs), fear and pressure the organization with the DO MORE philosophy and eternal destruction hanging over the human race to be snatched away by one sin as defined by the WTS.
*** w10 /15 pp.13-14 par.15
Yet, when the elders appointed to examine the case determine, in line with Jehovah’s direction, that a repentant sinner ought to be readmitted to the congregation, it indicates that he has been forgiven by Jehovah.
What self-examination is needed
if you are inclined to be unduly
critical of others?
From the examples of Pilate
and Peter, what can you learn
about not giving in to fear and
How can you avoid the feeling
of excessive guilt?
1, 2. What snares of the Devil will we consider in this article?
THE Devil stalks Jehovah’s servants. His goal
is not necessarily to destroy them, as a big game
hunter kills prey. Rather, the Devil’s
main goal is to capture his quarry alive and use the
person as he sees fit.—Read 2 Timothy 2:24-26.
So he doesn’t stalk non-jws? (Jehovah’s servants = only jws = why not Christians? Is that why most jws if asked what religion they are at the door will answer “one of Jehovah’s Witnesses” or “I’m a Christian”?) jws are afraid of being thought born-agains.
2 To catch prey alive, a trapper may use a snare of
some sort. He may try to get the animal to come
out into the open where he can capture it with a
noose. Or he may use a hidden trap that has a trigger
and takes the animal by surprise. The Devil uses
similar snares to catch God’s servants alive. If we
want to avoid being caught, we must be alert and
heed warning signs indicating that one of Satan’s
snares, or traps, is nearby. This article will consider
how we can guard against three of the traps that the
Devil has used with a measure of success. These are
(1) uncontrolled speech, (2) fear and pressure, and
(3) excessive guilt. The next article will consider two
additional traps, or snares, of Satan.
God’s servants = only jws
According to the WTS, does Satan have to pursue individuals?
***g90 1/8 p. 13 ***
Just as a boss of organized crime might oversee many illegal operations—drugs, prostitution, theft, gambling, smuggling, and so forth—without personally revealing himself to all his underlings, so Satan uses an organization to control far more people than he could by himself alone. His strategy? Besides harassing individuals, he and the demons treat masses of people as if they were a herd of cattle. No need to direct each one personally. Simply turn a few at the head of the herd, and the majority will follow. Then concentrate on the strays.
3, 4. Failure to control our tongue could result in what? Give
an example.
3 To flush animals out of hiding, a hunter may set
a section of vegetation ablaze, catching the animals
as they try to escape. In a figurative sense, the Devil
would like to set the Christian congregation ablaze.
If he succeeds, he can drive its members away from
that safe haven right into his clutches. How might
we unwittingly collaborate with him and thus be entrapped
by him?
Who set the congregation(s) you were/are in ablaze? Who had access to people’s personal information? The elders, their wives, their children. Even at Bethel it was “telegraph, telephone, tell-a-Bethelite.”
Who felt they had the authority to judge and talk about members to other members? The rank and file imitated what they saw the elders do.
If the holy jws cruelly talk and lie about the so-called weak jws, and the “weak” cannot endure, the WTS makes it the weak ones fault.
4 The disciple James likened the
tongue to a fire. (Read James 3:6-8.) If
we fail to control our tongue, we could
start a figurative wildfire in the congregation.
How might this happen? Consider
the following scenario: At a congregation
meeting, an announcement is made
that a certain sister has been appointed
a regular pioneer. After the meeting,
two publishers discuss this announcement.
One expresses joy and has good
wishes for the new pioneer. The other
questions the pioneer’s motives and implies
that she is merely seeking prominence
in the congregation. Which of
those two publishers would you like to
have as a friend? It is not hard to see
which one is more likely to set the congregation
ablaze through her speech.
So the WTS turns it around on every jw reading this article..who is it more likely to have hurtful, supposedly confidential info?
Of course, the example is 2 sisters, not 2 elders “rightfully” judging the person’s spirituality.
The question is not which one of the sisters you would want for a friend, but why the one sister doesn’t tell the one who questions motives that it is unchristian, and then not associate with her? This is probably her best friend and better to have the other trashed than lose a gossipy friend.
Without someone listening to the gossip and passing it on, gossip would die and outwardly the WTS espouses this advice. Where is it in this paragraph?
***g99 2/22 p. 19 Listening—The Other Side of Gossip
It takes at least two people to engage in gossip—a speaker and a listener. While the listener may seem less culpable than the speaker, the Bible presents a different slant on the matter. At Proverbs 17:4, we read: “The evildoer is paying attention to the lip of hurtfulness. A falsifier is giving ear to the tongue causing adversities.” So the listener of gossip bears a heavy responsibility. “In some ways it is even worse to listen to gossip than to speak it,” says writer Stephen M. Wylen. Why is this so? “By providing an eager audience,” Wylen continues, “you encourage the speaker to go on.”
What should you do, then, when hurtful gossip reaches your ears? Without taking on an air of self-righteousness, you could simply say: ‘Let’s change the subject’ or, ‘I don’t really feel comfortable talking about this. After all, she is not here to defend herself.’
5. To quench the fire of uncontrolled speech,
what self-examination would we do well to conduct?
5 How can we quench the fire of uncontrolled
speech? Jesus said: “Out of
the abundance of the heart the mouth
speaks.” (Matt. 12:34) So the first step is
to examine our own heart. Do we shun
the bad feelings that fuel destructive
speech? For example, when we hear that
a brother is reaching out for some privilege
of service, do we readily believe
that his motives are pure, or do we suspect
that he is driven by self-interest? If
we have a tendency to be cynical, it is
good to remember that the Devil questioned
the motives of God’s faithful servant
Job. (Job 1:9-11) Rather than being
suspicious of our brother, we would do
well to consider why we are critical of
him. Do we really have good reason for
being that way? Or has our heart been
poisoned by the unloving spirit so prevalent
during these last days?—2 Tim. 3:
Since the WTS says elders cannot read hearts or minds how do they determine if someone’s “motives are pure” or “driven by self-interest”?
While the rank and file can be judged by the elders, how do they do it if they cannot judge motives or read hearts or minds?
Why then do elders approach people with accusations by others as if they are true rather than assuming them innocent till proven guilty?
Or rather has many a jw’s heart been disappointed and deliberately hurt many times by those who claim to be closer than a brother?
Have they been carefully taught to be cynical, suspicious, having been poisoned by the spiritual food they trusted.
6, 7. (a) What are some reasons why we might
be critical of others? (b) How should we respond
if we are reviled?
6 Consider some other reasons why
we might be critical of others. One could
be that we desire to make our own accomplishments
more noticeable. In effect,
we may be attempting to look taller
by pushing others down. Or we may be
trying to excuse our own failure to take
positive action. Whether pride, envy, or
insecurity is driving us, the result is destructive.
The real message in this are that the rank and file are pointing out true and serious flaws of the elders, and other WTS administrators. After all who sit in the elders room and decide a brother isn’t qualified to have a privilege because his sideburns are ¼ inch too long? Or who are the ones who excuse their failures hiding behind their human imperfection? The WTS may talk the talk but they do not walk the walk.
*** w103/15 p.13par.14***
There is another way you can show that you understand what is involved in having been baptized in the name of the Son. God “subjected all things under [Jesus’] feet, and made him head over all things to the congregation.” (Eph. 1:22) Thus, you need to respect the way Jesus directs those dedicated to Jehovah. Christ is using imperfect humans in the local congregation, particularly the spiritually older men, the appointed elders.
***w77 9/15 p. 568 ***
Like any other member of the congregation, an elder is an imperfect human, subject to making mistakes in word and action. As the disciple James acknowledged: “We all stumble many times. If anyone does not stumble in word, this one is a perfect man.” (Jas. 3:2) In view of their weaknesses and imperfections, elders therefore must be careful that they do not allow their personal views to influence their teaching, counsel or correction.
Were elders to handle matters on the basis of personal opinions, likes and dislikes, they would themselves be guilty of ignoring Christ’s headship . They would be lifting themselves up above Jesus Christ, implying that there is something incomplete about the guidance he is giving to the congregation.
7 It could be that we feel justified in
speaking critically of someone. Perhaps
we have been the victim of his or her uncontrolled
speech. If that is the case, retaliating
in kind is not the answer. Doing
so only adds fuel to the fire and works
in harmony with the Devil’s will, not
God’s. (2 Tim. 2:26) We do well to imitate
Jesus in this regard. When he was
being reviled, “he did not go reviling in
return.” Instead, he “kept on committing
himself to the one who judges righteously.”
(1 Pet. 2:21-23) Jesus was confident
that Jehovah would take care of matters
in His own way and time. We should
have the same trust in God. When we
use our speech to heal, we help to preserve
“the uniting bond of peace” in our
congregation.—Read Ephesians 4:1-3.
Picture: Uncontrolled speech can set
the congregation ablaze with problems
Sometimes it is necessary to talk “critically” after all the WTS wants the rank and file to run to the elders with the “sins” of others.
***w11 8/15 p. 31 par. 15 ***
If a Christian becomes aware of a serious sin on the part of a fellow believer, he should encourage that one to confess the sin to the elders. (1 Cor. 6:9, 10; Jas. 5:14-16) If the wrongdoer does not do so, the Christian who has come to know about the sin should report it. Failure to do this in a mistaken effort to maintain peace with the sinner makes one a party to the wrongdoing.—Lev. 5:1
Did Paul fail to counsel Peter for shunning the Gentile Christians, being critical?
(Galatians 2:11-14)11 However, when Ce′phas came to Antioch, I resisted him face to face, because he stood condemned. 12 For before the arrival of certain men from James, he used to eat with people of the nations; but when they arrived, he went withdrawing and separating himself, in fear of those of the circumcised class. 13 The rest of the Jews also joined him in putting on this pretense, so that even Bar′na·bas was led along with them in their pretense. 14 But when I saw they were not walking straight according to the truth of the good news, I said to Ce′phas before them all: “If you, though you are a Jew, live as the nations do, and not as Jews do, how is it that you are compelling people of the nations to live according to Jewish practice?”
So no reviling, this is healing speech? Waiting for God to rebuke them? Remember this were fellow believers he was speaking too, not Gentiles.
(Matthew 23:15) “Woe to YOU, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because YOU traverse sea and dry land to make one proselyte, and when he becomes one YOU make him a subject for Ge·hen′na twice as much so as yourselves.
8, 9. Why did Pilate condemn Jesus?
8 An animal caught in a snare loses
control over its freedom of movement.
Similarly, a person who succumbs to fear
and related pressure has given up at least
some control of his life. (Read Proverbs
29:25.) Let us consider the examples of
two very different men who yielded to
pressure and to fear and see what we can
learn from their experience.
(Proverbs 29:25) Trembling at men is what lays a snare, but he that is trusting in Jehovah will be protected.
Who do the rank and file fear…elders…Cos, DOs, GB decisions? When the run to the elders to make decisions for them, fearing that pleasing the elders means the same as pleasing God, that they cannot understand God without the elders and other WTS administrators.
Do jws control their lives? There are multitudinous rules about dress, grooming, where you can work, how many possessions constitute materialism, etc.
9 The Roman Governor Pontius Pilate
knew that Jesus was an innocent man
and apparently did not want to harm
him. In fact, Pilate said that Jesus had
done “nothing deserving of death.”
Nevertheless, Pilate condemned him to
death. Why? Because Pilate succumbed
to pressure from the mob. (Luke 23:
15, 21-25) “If you release this man, you
are not a friend of Caesar,” cried those
opposers, thus applying pressure in order
to get their way. (John 19:12) Pilate
may have feared that he would lose his
position—or possibly his life—if he sided
with Christ. So he allowed himself to be
led into doing the Devil’s will.
Apparently = means the bible does not say but the WTS will now add to the bible account
How many times have elders not followed the trained conscience to adhere to WTS policy, especially in regards to child sexual abuse? Look up Candace Conti’s story on JWN.
Or elders who come to you and say that some unknown jw and never to be revealed to you is upset by something you supposedly said or did; or something you can do under bible principles and the elders tell you to yield to them for the sake of peace, because the elders are being pressured by this elder or his wife or their own wife. No Matthew 18 involved, do what you want. I remember an elder’s wife (found out later) who was bothered because a crippled sister sat in the mother’s room because the main room chairs were painful for her to sit on. She told her husband to influence the body to force the sister to sit in the main room, not even use a comfortable chair from home. Who do you think he feared?
10. What induced Peter to deny Christ?
10 The apostle Peter was one of Jesus’
closest associates. He publicly declared
that Jesus was the Messiah. (Matt. 16:16)
Peter remained loyal when other disciples
did not grasp the meaning of what
Jesus said and abandoned Him. (John 6:
66-69) And when enemies came to arrest
Jesus, Peter used a sword to defend
his Master. (John 18:10, 11) Later, however,
Peter succumbed to fear and denied
even knowing Jesus Christ. For a
brief time, the apostle was caught in the
snare of fear of man and allowed it to
restrain him from taking a courageous
course.—Matt. 26:74, 75.
Peter not only denied Christ three times here but even after being used by God to open the way to the Gentiles, 20 years later Peter shunned Gentiles knowing God’s thinking on it through visions and seeing the spirit fall on unbaptized Gentiles.
11. We may have to contend with what negative
11 As Christians, we need to resist
pressure to do things that would displease God.
Employers or others may try
to coerce us into being dishonest or may
seek to induce us to engage in sexual
immorality. Students may have to deal
with peers who try to pressure them to
cheat on exams, to view pornography, to
smoke, to use drugs, to abuse alcohol,
or to engage in sexual misconduct. So,
what can help us to escape the snare of
fear and of pressure to do what displeases
Christians—only jws
Displease elders/FDS/WTS/GB = displease God
***w07 4/1 pp. 29-30 par. 14 ***
Christian elders carry a heavy load. (2 Corinthians 11:28, 29) If we fail to cooperate with them, we only add to their load. This would result in their “sighing.” Our showing an uncooperative spirit is displeasing to Jehovah and could prove to be damaging to us.
The WTS has such a CRITICAL opinion of non-jws, like only they induce jws into sexual immorality, most of the immorality in the congregations I was in were jw on jw.
Cheat on exams, PORNOGRAPHY (got to get that in), use drugs (drugs sold in the KH restroom, “brothers” showing up on drugs and drunk at the meetings (including elders), sexual misconduct (molest children at the KH).
12. What lessons can we learn from Pilate and
12 Let us see what we can learn from
the examples of Pilate and Peter. Pilate
had little knowledge about Christ. Still,
he knew that Jesus was innocent and
was no ordinary man. But Pilate lacked
humility and love for the true God. The
Devil easily caught him alive. Peter had
both accurate knowledge and love for
God. At times, though, he lacked modesty,
became fearful, and succumbed
to pressure. Prior to Jesus’ arrest, Peter
boasted: “Even if all the others are
stumbled, yet I will not be.” (Mark 14:
29) The apostle would have been better
prepared for the tests ahead had he
taken the same position as that of the
psalmist who put his confidence in God
and sang: “Jehovah is on my side; I shall
not fear. What can earthling man do
to me?” (Ps. 118:6) On the final night
of His earthly life, Jesus took Peter and
two other apostles with him deep into
the garden of Gethsemane. Instead of
remaining alert, however, Peter and his
companions fell asleep. Jesus awakened
them and said: “Men, keep on the watch
and praying, in order that you do not
come into temptation.” (Mark 14:38) But
Peter fell asleep again and later gave in
to fear and pressure.
Pilate lacked knowledge…no excuse because God will soon destroy all people eternally that have no individual knowledge.
***w00 1/15 p. 13 par. 17 ***
Today, that prophecy is in the course of fulfillment on an unprecedented scale. True, untouched territories still exist, and it may be that in Jehovah’s due time, a large door leading to greater activity will open. (1 Corinthians 16:9) Nevertheless, the Bible does not state that Jehovah will wait until every individual on earth has received a personal witness. Rather, the good news must be preached to Jehovah’s satisfaction. Then the end will come.—Compare Matthew 10:23.
Remember years later, Peter exhibited fear of the Jewish Christians and shunned his Gentile Christian brothers.
13. How can we resist pressure to do something
13 The examples of Pilate and Peter
can teach us another vital lesson: Success
in resisting pressure involves a combination
of such elements as accurate
knowledge, humility, modesty, love for
God, and fear of Jehovah, not humans.
If our faith is built on accurate knowledge,
we will courageously speak about
our beliefs with conviction. This will
help us to resist pressure and conquer
fear of man. Of course, we must never
overestimate our own strength. Instead,
we should humbly recognize that we
need God’s power in order to resist pressure.
We need to pray for Jehovah’s spirit
and must let love for him motivate us to
uphold his name and standards. Moreover,
we need to prepare for pressure
before we face a test. For instance, advance
preparation along with prayer can
help our children to respond effectively
when their peers try to induce them to
do something wrong.—2 Cor. 13:7.*
*Parents would do well to discuss with their children
the “Peer-Pressure Planner” that appears in the
book Questions Young People Ask—Answers That Work,
Volume 2, pages 132-133. This material might be
used as part of the Family Worship evening.
So where was Peter’s accurate knowledge, humility, modesty, love for God and fear of God not humans in Antioch as he shunned the Gentile Christians. Why did one of the 12 apostles who had been with Jesus for 3 ½ years observing him teach and act not get the message? How many other Christians do you think Peter influenced afraid because of this status in the congregation?
Jw peers are the biggest source to induce jw children to do wrong…I grew up in several congregations and saw who offered drugs, seduced, stole, lied. Worse than any non-jw children at school or in the neighborhood, or at least as bad.
14. Concerning our past mistakes, what would
the Devil like us to conclude?
14 Sometimes an animal trap consists
of a heavy log or stone suspended over a
path where prey often move about. An
unwary animal hits the trip wire, causing
the log or stone to fall, crushing the
victim. Inordinate feelings of guilt may
be likened to that heavy load that crushes.
When thinking about a past mistake,
we may feel “crushed to an extreme
degree.” (Read Psalm 38:3-5, 8.) Satan
would like to have us conclude that we
are beyond the reach of Jehovah’s mercy
and are incapable of meeting His requirements.
So where does that guilt come from inward, or 5 meetings weekly at the KH designed to remind you are imperfect, flawed, dependent on the jws there to be validated as a good person, not validation from Jesus or God. The DO MORE organization.
***w10 4/15 pp. 27-28 pars. 13-14 Are You Fully Following the C hrist? ***
It is good to remember, though, that being whole-souled is not a matter of how much time we spend in the ministry. Individual circumstances vary. A person who spends just an hour or two in field service each month may be very pleasing to Jehovah if that really is all his health allows him to do. (Compare Mark 12:41-44.) Hence, to determine what whole-souled service to God means for us personally, we need to make a frank appraisal of our abilities and circumstances. As followers of Christ, we also want to harmonize our viewpoint with his. ( Read Romans 15:5; 1 Cor. 2:16) What did Jesus put foremost in his life? He told the crowds from Capernaum: “I must declare the good news of the kingdom of God, because for this I was sent forth.” (Luke 4:43; John 18:37) With Jesus’ zeal for his ministry in mind, evaluate your circumstances to see if you could further expand your ministry.—1 Cor. 11:1.
A careful consideration of our circumstances may lead us to conclude that we could increase the amount of time we spend in the ministry. (Matt. 9:37, 38) For instance, many thousands of our young people who recently graduated from school have expanded their ministry and are now experiencing the joy that comes from zealously serving as pioneers. Would you like to taste that joy as well? Some brothers and sisters have considered their circumstances and decided that they could move to an area in their country, or even abroad, where there is a greater need for Kingdom publishers. Still others have learned another language to help foreign-speaking people. While expanding our ministry can be challenging, it brings rich blessings, and we may help many others to “come to an accurate knowledge of truth.”—1 Tim. 2:3, 4; 2 Cor. 9:6.
*** km 2/11 p.1 par.2!***
One excellent way to do more is to auxiliary pioneer.
*** km 6/10 p.1 par.2***
It is also wise to consider periodically how we could further simplify our life so as to do more in the ministry
*** km 2/07 pp.3-4 par.5***
Can you declare Jehovah’s excellencies more fully by auxiliary pioneering during March, April, and May? Doing so will likely require some adjustments in your daily schedule. (Eph. 5:15-17) You can be sure that making an effort to do more in Jehovah’s service will bring joy and Jehovah’s blessing.
*** km8/07 p.4 par.2***
Jehovah takes note of and appreciates the personal sacrifices we make in order to do more in the ministry. (Heb. 6:10) Knowing that we are pleasing Jehovah by our hard work brings us great joy.—1 Chron. 29:9.
15, 16. How can you avoid the trap of succumbing
to excessive guilt?
15 How can you avoid this trap that
crushes? If you have become involved
in serious sin, act now to restore your
friendship with Jehovah. Contact the elders,
and ask for their help. (Jas. 5:14-
16) Do what you can to right the wrong.
(2 Cor. 7:11) If you receive discipline, do
not become downhearted. Discipline is
a sure sign that Jehovah loves you. (Heb.
12:6) Be determined not to repeat the
steps that led to the sin, and act on that
resolve. After you have repented and
turned around, have faith that the ransom
sacrifice of Jesus Christ really can
cover your errors.—1 John 4:9, 14.
So what does the WTS consider a serious sin? Slander is serious. How many jws did you know to be df’d for slander? So the same men led by holy spirit who can determine what is porneia cannot determine slander?
***w89 10/15 p.14 par.20***
Slander can lead to expulsion from God’s organization; a slanderer may be disfellowshipped, perhaps as an unrepentant liar. However, such action is not to be taken against those guilty of light gossip. Elders should weigh matters prayerfully, drawing a sharp distinction between mere gossip and vicious slander. To be disfellowshipped, the wrongdoer would have to be a malicious, unrepentant slanderer. Elders are not authorized to disfellowship anyone for trivial gossip that is motivated by human interest but that is not false or malicious.
Since elders can neither read hearts or minds, how do the elders determine repentance?
Do you need the elders to tell you that the ransom covers your sins? So can the elders forgive sins? Where does it say here that elders can set a time limit of 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, 8 years, before forgiving a person? How long was the man in Corinth supposedly df’d? 1 Corinthians and 2 Corinthians were written in the same year 55 C.E.
*** w08 7/15 .26 ar.2***
The second letter, apparently written only a few months after the first, is a follow-up letter.
*** w96 4/15 p.28***
Jesus said: “If you forgive the sins of any persons, they stand forgiven to them; if you retain those of any persons, they stand retained.” Do these words mean that Christians can forgive sins? (John 20:23)
There is no Scriptural basis for concluding that Christians in general, or even appointed elders in the congregations, have divine authority to forgive sins.
16 Some individuals continue to harbor
guilt over sins for which they have
actually been forgiven. If that is true
of you, remember that Jehovah forgave
Peter and the other apostles for
abandoning His beloved Son in Jesus’
greatest hour of need. Jehovah forgave
the man who was expelled from the
congregation in Corinth for flagrant immorality
but who later repented. (1 Cor.
5:1-5; 2 Cor. 2:6-8) God’s Word speaks
of gross sinners who repented and were
forgiven by God.—2 Chron. 33:2, 10-13;
1 Cor. 6:9-11.
*** w04 2/15 p.15 par.20***
However, Jehovah does not shield those who commit immorality from the consequences of their actions. The aftereffects may last for years, even a lifetime.
So being told this, wouldn’t you feel guilt years after?
Yes, GOD forgave the man, and only a few months later, not a “suggested” year or more.
17. What can the ransom do for us?
17 Jehovah will forgive and forget your
past errors if you are truly repentant
and accept his mercy. Never feel that Jesus’
ransom sacrifice cannot cover your
sins. To do so would be to fall victim to
one of Satan’s snares. Despite what the
Devil wants you to believe, the ransom
can cover the sins of all who have fallen
into sin and have repented. (Prov. 24:16)
Faith in the ransom can lift the burden
of excessive guilt from your shoulders
and can give you strength to serve God
with your whole heart, mind, and soul.
—Matt. 22:37.
God…after the elders have the holy spirit drop it into their collective minds and tell them what his judgment is?
Never let any human tell you whether the ransom applies to you!
Never let any human tell you that God does not hear your prayers.
18. How can we avoid the Devil’s snares?
18 Satan does not care which trap ensnares
us, as long as we are caught by
him. Since we are not ignorant of Satan’s
designs, we can avoid being overreached
by the Devil. (2 Cor. 2:10, 11)
We will not be caught in his snares, or
traps, if we pray for wisdom to deal with
our trials. “If any one of you is lacking in
wisdom,” wrote James, “let him keep on
asking God, for he gives generously to
all and without reproaching; and it will
be given him.” (Jas. 1:5) We need to act
in harmony with our prayers by engaging
in regular personal study and by applying
God’s Word. The Bible study aids
provided by the faithful and discreet
slave class shed light on the traps set by
the Devil and help us to avoid them.
Remember that Satan’s snares are everywhere even in the WTS. If you had been an Israelite in Jeremiah’s or Isaiah’s time, the danger would have been from the false worship of the Israelites, who brought idols into the temple and tossed their children into the fire. Would you have followed them because of their protestations of being the descendants of Abraham and “blessed” by God.
Why is God not able to shed light using only the Bible? Did Abraham need study aids or weren’t the words of God enough? What study aids did the Jews need? Didn’t Jesus counsel the religious leaders of his day for adding to those words?
(Matthew 15:3-9)3 In reply he said to them: “Why is it YOU also overstep the commandment of God because of YOUR tradition? 4 For example, God said, ‘Honor your father and your mother’; and, ‘Let him that reviles father or mother end up in death.’ 5 But YOU say, ‘Whoever says to his father or mother: “Whatever I have by which you might get benefit from me is a gift dedicated to God,” 6 he must not honor his father at all.’ And so YOU have made the word of God invalid because of YOUR tradition.7 YOU hypocrites, Isaiah aptly prophesied about YOU, when he said, 8 ‘This people honors me with their lips, yet their heart is far removed from me. 9 It is in vain that they keep worshiping me, because they teach commands of men as doctrines.’”
*** w9010/1p.11par.4***
Pharisaic self-righteousness was rooted in oral traditions. These had been initiated in the second century B.C.E. as “a fence around the Law” to protect it from the inroads of Hellenism (Greek culture). They had come to be viewed as a part of the Law. In fact, the scribes even rated the oral traditions above the written Law. The Mishnah says: “Greater stringency applies to the observance of the words of the Scribes [their oral traditions] than to the observance of the words of the written Law.” Hence, instead of being “a fence around the Law” to protect it, their traditions weakened the Law and made it void, just as Jesus said: “Adroitly you set aside the commandment of God in order to retain your tradition.”—Mark 7:5-9; Matthew 15:1-9.
19, 20. Why should we hate what is bad?
19 Prayer and Bible study promote in
us a love for what is good. But it is equally
important that we develop a hatred
for what is bad. (Ps. 97:10) Meditating
on the consequences of pursuing selfish
desires can help us to avoid them. (Jas.
1:14, 15) When we learn to hate what is
bad and truly love what is good, the bait
that Satan places in his traps repels us;
it holds no allure.
Hatred of WHAT is bad…the WTS says but they also mean WHO by their definition. Once again the WTS talks out of both sides of its mouth and manages to do it with the OT.
*** w95 6/15 p.7***
God does not condemn all hatred. Regarding Jesus Christ, the Bible says: “You loved righteousness, and you hated lawlessness.” (Hebrews 1:9) There is a difference, however, between hating the wrong and hating the person who commits the wrong.
*** w93 10/1 p.19 par.15***
Regarding them, the psalmist said: “Do I not hate those who are intensely hating you, O Jehovah, and do I not feel a loathing for those revolting against you? With a complete hatred I do hate them.They have become to me real enemies.”(Psalm 139:21, 22) It was because they intensely hated Jehovah that David looked on them with abhorrence. Apostates are included among those who show their hatred of Jehovah by revolting against him. Apostasy is, in reality, a rebellion against Jehovah. Some apostates profess to know and serve God, but they reject teachings or requirements set out in his Word. Others claim to believe the Bible, but they reject Jehovah’s organization and actively try to hinder its work. When they deliberately choose such badness after knowing what is right, when the bad becomes so ingrained that it is an inseparable part of their makeup, then a Christian must hate (in the Biblical sense of the word) those who have inseparably attached themselves to the badness.
20 How thankful we are that God
helps us so that we are not overreached
by Satan! By means of His spirit, Word,
and organization, Jehovah delivers us
“from the wicked one.” (Matt. 6:13) In
the following article, we will learn how
to avoid two more traps that the Devil
has found to be effective in catching
God’s servants alive.
The WT trinity:
His spirit, Word, and organization
*** w103/15 p.18 par.17***
Through God’s Word and his spirit-directed organization, holy spirit will move you in the right direction.
*** w09 4/15 p.8 par.3***
Today, Jehovah does this by means of his Word, his organization, and his holy spirit.
*** w08 7/15 p.28 par.7***
In principle, this verse tells us that Jehovah adequately qualifies Christians for the ministry by his Word, his holy spirit, and the earthly part of his organization.
Where’s Jesus?
PICTURE: You can shed the burden of excessive guilt
The biggest trap = WTS
Love, Blondie