Subject: Out of the great tribulation came ....blessings for the every tribe and people....Revelation 7 and 14
Recently, I have been impressed with the escathology understanding of PARTIAL preterism.
The tribulation on the early first century Christains was horrific. Most of these Christians died for their faith and that was the message from Christ to the seven churches during this time to keep faithful during these terrible times. However, AFTER this tribulation when Christianity became acceptable by Constantine, times were a lot better and despite the apostasy the basic good news was carried to the known world.
It dawn on me that out of THAT tribulation came the great crowd of "born again" believers That would COMPLETE spiritual Israel (since only the symbolic small number were slaughtered) ....Like out of the ashes came a great city or out of the rubble came a new beginning.
Any feed back would be appreciated....