From where does the most devastating indictment again JWs come? It's their paper trail. Calling themselves Jehovah's Witnesses does not track back to 1 st century Christianity. Thousands of original language manuscripts show positively that there is no evidence that Jesus and 1 st century Christians used a Jehovah moniker. They did not feature the name Jehovah in everyday speech. Jesus making God's name known refers to reputation (Jn 17:26) . How do we know? Although God's icon name does not appear in the text, God name is a focus. So icon name logically defaults to reputation name. Proposing a Jehovah's Witness identity based on a "Ye are my witnesses" (43:10) + "cloud of witnesses" (He 12:1) argument is tortured scriptural reasoning, a reach too far. So, why is God's proper name not featured in the Greek text? Great question, there is an answer.
Trinitarians also have a paper trail problem. 1 st century Christians did not believe in a Trinity doctrine. One God divisible by a "holy three" entities is inconceivable to Christian JEWS educated in Judaism. And, there are no 1 st CENTURY Jewish Christian polemic signature writings arguing for an ineffable mysterious "coequal gods oneness" theology. Written language articulating that idea began arriving in the 4 th CENTURY.
We know what happens in Christianity when legitimate change comes. The issue of circumcision illustrates this. Judaizers, objectors to ending circumcision, (Ga 2:14) force a cause celebre public debate to be heard by Jewish Christian pillars, apostles and elders. These JEWISH Christians accountable for the foundation of Christianity resolve the circumcision issue by ending it. This foundational change comes early in Christianity's development. Most certainly, any other fundamental foundation change (like Trinity theology) would be given the same cause celebre attention early in Christianity's development. Absence of an early polemic signature writings and public debate speaks volumes about the illegitimacy of the Trinity doctrine. The OFFICIAL WRITTEN CREEDS expressing triune ideas start hitting the planet during political battles amongst Catholic clerics in 325CE at the synod in Nicaea, Asia Minor.
Just as JWs can't force the name Jehovah into the Greek text to bolster their Yahwist religious fantasy, Trinitarians can't force tritheism into the Greek text to bolster their religious triune fantasy. Both beliefs are ideological inventions by men. Trinitarians are disciples of Athanasius, JWs are disciples of Rutherford. TIMING of each historic narrative debunks their claims to legitimacy.
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Where is Recovery (aka Still Recovery) when we need him? I do agree with his take on Rv 7. The setting is earth.