Anybody know of easy very basic illustration site or method for videos?

by EndofMysteries 5 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • EndofMysteries

    I am ready to start doing some videos now. One of them I need to do some visuals. I can point the camera at a notepad and draw it, buy a white board and draw, or if some free online program that can do it if anybody knows of anything. The drawing is only circles with text, very very basic stuff. I'd like it to look a little better then just handrawing, and it can't be pictures, it has to be drawn live, so that's why wondering if any program can do basic illustration/animation, then I can just record the screen when it happens and voice over. Again if nothing I'll just hand draw it, it will get the point across.

    The videos and what will be contained.

    1. A basic outline of the big picture.

    2. Very indepth of the true creation story, what it's really teaching and how that truth has been hidden. This will really prove that God is real. Why the world is the way it is.

    3. The truth of the gospels, what Jesus was really teaching and how that was hidden, and also some hidden revelations within them that have either not been understood since the 1st century christians or never understood, until the right time. This will really prove that the prophecies and predictions were real and have been coming true.

    4. The truth from throughout the whole bible what people really must do. This will finally set the true foundation all need and allow them to progress and learn more the true way and all lies that have been taught to all being removed. So this is restoration of the foundation of the truth, a few things revealed that either were lost or never understood until now, and will ensure those who understand will no longer make humans their idols or their door.

    Special videos - the truth on the WT, and other various vids that only certain people would be interested in, various topics.

    There will be no charge for them. I'll also probably make text versions as well, no charge.

    None of this will HURT people, unless they are really wicked in the true sense of the word, but even they can have a chance. So good athiests for example, those who are because they only see violence and lies in all religion, they try to be good people, it will help you, answer questions. Unless you are truly a bad person, I don't mean sinner, I mean unethical, thief, murder, lots of blood on your hands, it still can be possible, but those like that who think if they get away with it their whole life got away with it, bad news for them.

    So when they start getting posted, don't be afraid that the experience will be like TTATT, you wake up and everything is far worse. You are in the worse right now, this TTATT will give you hope.

  • perfect1

    Mac or PC

    You could do it this way without video editing software. Do you have any software

    Do you have word- if you dont want to do it by hand- word has a tool for making shapes like circles.

    You could make each frame of the animation in word, save as a different file number Jpegs- and then compile them on paper or digitally.

    I think you have been talking some crazy talk lately, but I believe in making things.

    This is free mind mapping software you may be able to use:

  • EndofMysteries

    Thanks perfect1.

    I know it all sounds crazy, if I was on the other side I would possibly think the same.

    When you see the videos you'll no longer think it.

    I use PC. Thanks I am looking at both of those things right now.

  • perfect1

    Also, if you are good with computers and learn software quickly, you could download a free trial of Adobe Illustrator and its companion After effects.

    These are the pro programs for doing what you want to do.

  • EndofMysteries

    Thanks. The only thing I need any illustrating for is only for 1 piece of my project. It's very very difficult to understand without some basic illustrations and a chart. I just want it to look clean and I have the worst handwriting in the world lol.

  • perfect1

    You can make charts in Microsoft word.

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