Perhaps you all can help me on this. I'm trying to force myself to learn how to ask questions.
Remember, I'm a worldly (I'm beginning to hate that term, but can capitalize on my alleged "stupidity" if necessary).
If I talk to my JW friends about my hearing about the reduction in the size of the magazines and the new credit card tithing system (ouch, that would probably REALLY make some armhairs stand up straight, huh), then follow with whether or not they are worried about that $86,000 payment the WT might not be able to make this month, it may make them want to see the actual court filing.
At this point, they either have to accept the WT is broke, or deny it and say that the WTS is lying. Wouldn't I be totally justified in asking if it's appropriate for the Watchtower leaders to lie instead of believing that Jehovah would care for them?
I can follow with "Not sure, but to my knowledge, the Catholics just paid up... "
Now I'm being cruel, huh...
Please do not take my non-response as my not being around. I have to get to bed and won't be near a computer I can post on until late tomorrow night. I can read your suggestions, but I'll be with them tomorrow evening.
Please leave your thoughts as to whether I should convey this or keep my mouth shut.
Thanks all!