I found a qoute that ruminates throughout "JW-Land", dealing with strange conduct and vibes your family sends your way during "meetings".
"My Family Appears Angry When They See Me At Meetings And Conventions, Why?"
What type of religion attracts members who want their family to die at Armageddon? I wish it was possible for you to see the looks on their face, when I ran into them at the District Convention. Something grossly wrong is happening deep inside their hearts of stone, I left to bring my mentally retarded Uncle and the "entourage of cripples (Including myself)" while my multi-elder family members watch in disdain without lifting one finger.
Years ago my Uncle was home-base finance, writing checks to the pioneers " righteous brothers living off unemployment and credit cards" until Uncle pulled their credit line and both went bankrupt! What happen's to all his treasures spent on enabling the "piousneers and company"? Lesson learned, if you would like to make a JW disappear, lone them a decent amount of money!
Why is emphasis placed on caring for our spiritual-brothers from Bethel, while allowing the handicap and elderly to fall off a cliff? Please, enlighten me and other thinking people, why the Watchtower Organization is so anti-family? I know something is deeply wrong, this conduct was happening in my older brother's tour-de-Bethel (1960-1970) it's not new! To qoute a CO "The love of the greater number cooling off" excuse don't cut it for me! Was there love during the inception of Russell, or perhaps, it never existed?