The Real Meaning of Bethel/1971

by metatron 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    New boy posted information about an event at Bethel that occured
    many years ago - that you won't read about in any publication -
    an internal reform movement led by three ex-circuit overseers
    to improve harsh conditions at Bethel.

    What's important about this incident is how the leadership
    reacted and what this teaches us about the operation of the
    Watchtower Society.

    Back in the 70's, conditions in Bethel were becoming intolerable.
    Knorr ruled with a firm and harsh hand. Brothers were getting ulcers
    and having nervous breakdowns and thinking about suicide.
    Fewer and fewer men were volunteering for four years of Bethel
    service and there was a growing exodus at headquarters, draft or
    no draft.

    Three brave men were asked to investigate the lack of Bethel
    applications - they assembled a large body of evidence that
    conditions in Bethel were awful - and that word was getting out
    to the congregations.

    How would you feel if you were ordered to work with other brothers
    who "will die at Armageddon" (laundry, overseers training of 'newboys'). How would you react to a brother, in charge of sisters,
    who wanted to know their PERIODS so he could put them on a
    calendar and schedule production accordingly? Suppose a bindery
    machine chopped off a brother's finger and the first words from
    the overseer were "is the machine still running OK? are we losing

    The Society's reaction?

    The investigating committee were rebels.
    They misused their authority to try to stir up revolt.
    Whatever the congregations knew about was just gossip.

    Thereafter, in primary school (for training new Bethelites)
    instructions were given about not cooperating with disruptive
    brothers who wanted to organize petitions, etc.

    Also, brothers like Fred Franz, who APPEARED TO BE SYMPATHETIC,
    'shafted' the brothers involved, accusing them of rebellion,
    in more secretive moments.

    Everything in Bethel got worse - which forced the Society
    to get rid of the 4 year requirement (Knorr was pissed!).
    Thereafter, the Society had no choice but to treat the brothers
    better - because they would leave - or not volunteer in the
    first place. Paterson is a monument to this better treatment -
    they can't survive by beating down brothers in a sweatshop

    Moral: You can't morally reform an organization whose only
    real value is greedy control of other humans. Appeals to
    honesty, mercy, compassion, or anything else the Bible extols
    are a waste of time, if they don't serve the corporate interests
    of the WBTS of Pennsylvania/NY.

    On the other hand, they can be forced to compromise or even
    give up in defeat - if enough pressure is brought to bear
    on their enterprise or collective wallet.

    So, keep chipping away, my brethern (and ladies),
    Keep suing them, keep up the bad press,

    There's nothing else that will stop these gnarled old tyrants


  • AvailableLight

    I love this stuff. Very believable and fascinating at the same time.

    What becomes painfully apparent is that those running the organization have absolutely zero business sense whatsoever. That's why things are so inefficient there and why people can be treated so poorly.

    Imagine if the leaders of IBM were chosen for their "spiritual qualifications?"

    It's true, any witness will tell you that profitability is not a concern for "God's Organization" and that it is not at all a business.

    That may be a valid point. Regardless, Bethel could stand to learn a thing or two by taking a serious look at how successful coroporations keep employees happy *for the long-term* and getting those in positions of oversight some real managerial training.

  • Dogpatch

    Fred Fredean was one of the former circuit overseers who ended up at Bethel and tried to change things, that is, until the Ray Franz incident, and he turned chicken and became paranoid, sduddenly taking the side of the big boys. I used to hear him bitch and complain all the time, until 1979-1980, then he made an about-face.

    The Franz Incident

  • 2SYN

    I bet if the big boys who sit on comfy chairs all day had to spend a year working in the printing presses, losing fingers, they would change the conditions at Bethel. I've known quite a few Bethelites, and needless to say they are some of the most miserable people on Earth.

    "...the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing" - The Golden Age
    [SYN], UADA
    - Unseen Apostate Directorate of Africa.

  • metatron

    Randy, I guess it takes a big heart to understand how men
    prostitute themselves like that. I think Farkel did
    a piece on Art Worsley that revealed a very different story
    relative to the sanitized version of his life that appeared
    in the WT.

    You look back at these guys and their bravery
    and then how they got beat down into shills, it's sad.


  • new boy
    new boy

    March 21, 2002
    Great post-------remember Franz stood up and said "these brothers are in their positions of oversight NOT because because of their spiritual qualifcations, but because of their secular abilitys!" that was the only thing that "saved" us from all getting kicked out. Knorr said "I want an investigation" How do the boys on top clean house? that can't be done, that would shake the pillars of the org. Out of 50 overseers, Ken Doweling was the only guy they hauled on the carpet. G. Couch and Bob Lang {the guy's who appointed him as overseer} removed him as laundry overseer, but by the time I left in 1974 he was back on top in the bethel office, just can't keep a good man down.
    P.S by the time I left in the spring of 1974 the average stay of a bethelite was 4 months, they were calling in guys who nevered pioneered.

  • LDH

    I'd like to tell you what I'd tell a 'Brother' who asked me when I had my period, but I've been trying to cut down on fucking obscenities.


  • Scully


    How would you react to a brother, in charge of sisters, who wanted to know their PERIODS so he could put them on a calendar and schedule production accordingly?

    Well, let's see. Maybe he needs some "presents" on his desk every day for a few weeks. I can get a huge supply on the maternity ward where I work.

    Love, Scully

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