I am having my child drive up from San Fran, Ca this weekend, I need advice how to show the WTS identify's themself as the "Mediator between mankind and Jesus Christ to Jehovah God. Which magazines are blunt enough to speak of the new-lite?
Jehovah (Jesus Christ mediator)-(WTS Governing Body vice-president mediator)-(Witnesses annointed and non-annointed)-(The World and Christendom, Babylon the Great.)
We need to nail the Organization for their crazy teachings, has anyone posted the "outline" that teaches a "Rapture" style belief for the 2013 Memorial Outline?
The letter to all Congregations regarding child sex abuse and how "repentful former sex-offeners could qualify to serve the congregation" establishing themselves as "reputable or God's appointed servants" in the eyes of unthinking dubs? This troubles me and show's how desperate the Org is becoming, who is liable with this new teaching, if the Org allows the elders to appoint or provide services Congregation-wide, who get's sued if the elders knowingly appointed a sex-offender who violated children twenty years ago, but appears in "good standing" now? The liability of appointing anyone with a checkered past of child sexual-abuse scares me!