The WT prints a lot of absurd nonsense. But sometimes they are extremely crafty. I can forgive stupidity and ignorance, even if I don't want to be a part of it. I cannot forgive intentional manipulation, though I can at least be impressed by its cleverness. Here's 4 of my favorite clever examples:
4: Fixing the zero year. Such a bone-headed error but claiming that the error was discovered just as research necessitated a change in the Jerusalem destruction date was a stroke of genius. It turned something stupid into something "providential!"
Providentially , those Bible Students had not realized that there is no zero year between “B.C.” and “A.D.” Later, when research made it necessary to adjust B.C. 606 to 607 B.C.E., the zero year was also eliminated, so that the prediction held good at “A.D. 1914.”—See “The Truth Shall Make You Free,” published by Jehovah’s Witnesses in 1943, page 239. (*** re chap. 18 p. 105 Earthquakes in the Lord’s Day ***)
3: The picture in the recent Awake of the internet cable making the shadow of the Serpent. That was a really clever picture to subtly make people suspicious of the deceptive 'powers' of the Internet.
2: In the recent WT regarding the proof of Jerusalem in 607 BCE, they had this clever piece of manipulation. Besides the scholarly dishonesty of the calculation, to the ignorant lay person, the fact that they make it seem on first glance like Simanu is equivalent to July, so that there is a close match (4th instead of 15th) in the year the scholars say it happened but an exact match (15th day exactly) in the year they say it happened. To someone reading this without thinking or knowledge this was very clever IMO. Quote below
"The tablet mentions a lunar eclipse that was calculated as occurring on the 15th day of the third Babylonian month, Simanu. It is a fact that a lunar eclipse occurred on July 4 (Julian calendar) of this month during 568B.C.E. However,there was also an eclipse 20 years earlier, on July 15,588 B.C.E."
1: 11/22/98 Awake on United Nations. This is of course the most famous of the articles "supporting" the United Nations which would be submitted to the Disgusting Thing and featured on their website as support from their NGO's. But the clever part was that they had to lambast the UN too. So what they did was very clever: they made a conclusion saying that Bible students know that the United Nations will soon be at the center of events that shortly are prophesied to take place which will eventually result in a peaceful new world. (I don't have the exact quote with me here). But I thought that was really clever. Any Witness reading it would know these future events were its being the Satanic organization that helps direct an attack on God's people while disgustingly taking the place of God's Kingdom. Any UN employee reading it thinks that the UN will be helping to bring about world peace. That was brilliant!