A Stark Contrast

by Farkel 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Farkel

    The United Methodists Church has embarked on a new television campaign. If they weren't such hate-filled idiots, the Watchtower society could learn a lot from it.

    The message ends with:

    "Open hearts, open minds, open door"

    In contrast, Jehovah's "true" channel of communication preaches and practices:

    Closed hearts: hate for religions, governments, the United Nations and often, even their own religious brothers.

    Closed minds: thinking is prohibited and those who do it are severely punished and treated as dead. Thinking has been replaced by parroting.

    Closed doors: 99.99% of the human population is destined for a gruesome extermination. Those in their own faith who are not toeing the burdens heaped upon them by their religious masters are excluded from social gatherings and routine hospitality.

    If there were no other options, I'd take the Methodists any day of the week.


  • Gopher

    I honestly don't know: do the Methodists practice what they advertise? The word "method" in their name implies a certain expected "way" of worship. But maybe I'm assuming too much.

    If they live up to their advertisements, then that would be great. If they tolerate a diversity of viewpoint, and put the needs of the members ahead of "loyalty to an organization", then they indeed are fulfilling the requirements of a loving people.

    We know that the JW's practice double-speak to make themselves "appear" more open minded and open-hearted than they are. (Just one example, their web site that says, "those who choose to leave JW's are not shunned". Yeah right!!)

    -J.R., member, UADNA-MN
    (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America - Minnesota division)

    This post was not evaluated by any mental health professionals.
    Any opinions expressed are those of a fuzzy, cuddly rodent.

  • Satanus


    Good points. Closed also, as far as they are concerned, are the doors to the kingdom of heaven, in 1935.


  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Wesleys movement, when it started off was hysterical and very charismatic. Dramatic stuff.Screaming, crying, faintings,the works.
    Wesley was a charismatic public speaker and could conjure visions of hell in peoples minds like no one else. People went hysterical with repentance.Putting on great public displays.
    Believe it or not, the Salvation Army started out the same way.
    One of the keys to converting an individual into a church is having the ability to induce a personal experience within them of God talking to them thru the speaker.The Mormons specialize in using this process during conversion.
    I believe Ive recounted examples of this from my own history before,the feeling that what is being spoken from the stage, is directed at YOU.And that God is directing it.
    A peculiar sensation. Wesley could induce this sensation within a mass of individuals..
    As time progressed, they modified their behaviours, and became acceptable established religions.
    The Witnesses are heading the same way right now.
    Get rid of Blood, shunning etc...and theyll be totally publicly acceptable as part of "Babylon".
    If people like yourselves keep striving to publish matters like the Bryant incident and partaking of public forums like this one, it can only hasten the processes of reform.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Wesley, from his "journals":

    "A well dressed, middle aged woman suddenly cried out as in the agonies of death.She continued to do so for some time.With all the signs of the sharpest agony of spirit."

    This occured three weeks after Wesley started preaching.
    His first "manifestation" of the spirit moving others to repentance.
    Within 3 months, mass scenes of "conversion" were taking place in Wesley meetings.

    "These disturbing scenes became more frequent, affecting large numbers of people,usually women at first".

    Very early on, while establishing himself, Wesley frequented prisons.
    Preaching to the condemned visions of hellfire and eternal burning.
    Little wonder then:

    "one and another and another sunk to the earth.They dropped on every side as though thunderstruck.One of them cried out loud and we besought God on her behalf and he spoke peace unto her soul".

    Wesley induced terrifying visions of condemnation and then offered a way out of the punishment.
    The convertees, being so frightened and in extremis at his hellish speech, once convinced of their forgiveness, went to the other extreme, weeping and crying out in joy at their deliverance.
    Not hard to do, one would imagine, in a prison.
    here is a personal account of one Mrs Edwards, how she felt after being "saved":

    "I had a very lively consciousness of Gods being near me...the communication was more open and free. I lay awake most of the night with a constant delightful sense of Gods great love and infinite condescension, and with a continual view of God as close by me".

    There is the PERSONAL confirming experience of God induced within the INDIVIDUAL.
    A church is comprised of individuals.In charismatic churches, for sure, every individual has these confirming experiences.After that, they are bound to the leader of the movement they recieved the confirmation thru.

    How about in the Dubs??

  • Imbue

    The KKK primarily came out of the Methodist church.

    Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

  • Farkel

    : The KKK primarily came out of the Methodist church.

    Yeah, but they only hate blacks and Jews. The WTS hates EVERYONE!


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