First of all I,am agnostic, but this is puzzling to me.
After appearing to Peter and then the twelve, he then
appeared shortly after to more than five hundred at the
same time.
Within a few weeks after Jesus was crucified, a movement
arose which by the later admission of it,s enemies, "upset
the world". What happened to ignite this movement shortly
after it,s leader had been executed?
The disciples fled in fear, yet ten out of the twelve were martyed
for their faith. What turned these cowards in to heroes?
(1) Peter----crucified upside down
(4)John----exiled died of old age
(5)Matthew---speared to death
(6)Bartholomew----beaten and then crucified
(8)Thomas----speared to death
(10)James---stoned to death
(11)Thaddaeus---stoned to death
(12) Judas----Well we know what happen to him.