130 Million Babies Born Each Year

by cognac 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • cognac

    According to the UNFPA.

    So, I really don't get the whole "trying to get everyone to see Jehovah" thing. Even if they got a million more people a year, that wouldn't make up for all the other all these babies born who won't get warned at all. So, why wouldn't the big A come sooner then later?

    This doesn't make sense at all. Anyone know the JW rationale for this?

  • sir82

    The JW rationale?

    "Don't think about stuff like that. It will just destroy your faith. Shut up and keep busy preaching."

  • Kool Jo
    Kool Jo

    They say that not every single person will get a "witness"..but when the preaching is completed to Jehovah's satisfaction, then the preaching work will be done....

  • Phizzy

    When I was young, back in Neanderthal times, I asked this question, and a smart-ass said "Have you not heard of community responsibility?", well, I hadn't, but he explained that all those who went down at the Big A were the responsibility of governments or whoever had prevented the JW preaching work getting through.

    Jehovah wasn't to blame, according to smart-ass, to me Jehovah was the like the Nazi Camp Commandant who would claim that the jewish leaders were responsible for his killing of jewish children.

    Their rationale did not sit well with me, even as a child.

    "Jehovah's Witness rationale", another oxymoron.

  • cobaltcupcake

    There was some sort of gobbledigook going around at one point that applied something Jesus said about not completing the "circuit of the cities of Israel" to the obvious conclusion that JWs would never be able to reach everyone on the planet.

    That neat little verse was followed by a point about either a "community responsibility" or "Jehovah can read hearts."

  • james_woods
    That neat little verse was followed by a point about either a "community responsibility" or "Jehovah can read hearts."

    Which little point would (to a thinking person) bring up the question - OK, then - if Jehovah can read their hearts, what is the purpose of preaching to ANY of these people?

  • Heaven

    Evidently, the GB don't think JWs can do math. Seven million JWs versus seven billion people on the Earth. They cannot possibly preach to 'all the inhabitted Earth' - it is not mathematically possible.

    And how do you preach to people or hand them publications when you have no idea what language they speak? Like these people in the Amazon:

    Remote Amazon Tribe

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